To anyone that has known me and the games I play in real life, to know I've been playing a Zelda game would surprise them. To get it out of the way, I am a HUGE Nintendo fan. I'm not quite to the level of "thinking Nintendo can't fail because they **** pure gold", but pretty damn close. My family and friends know me as the guy to come to when you have a question about platformers, like Mario or Banjo, and Pokemon. It was these games that defined my childhood. I never let my 64 out of my sight when I had access to it and never spent a waking moment not playing Pokemon on the good old Game Boy Color. The one thing I never was was a Zelda fan. I don't know what it was, but as a child, I never had an interest in the series. It even went as far that I can say that at one point in my life I HATED Ocarina of Time (gasp). The first Zelda game I ever owned was Oracle of Seasons, one of the two games made in conjunction by Capcom for the Game Boy color. It was here I garnered a love for the 2D Zelda's, but I just couldn't bring myself to like the 3D games. Even to this day my favorite Zelda is, and always will be, Link's Awakening for the original Game Boy. But, starting this year, I began to play the 3D Zelda's, beginning with Twilight Princess. Now, I have always tinkered with the 3D games. I would mess around on Majora's Mask when I was at my cousin's and I would play Wind Waker when I wanted to mess around at my uncle's, but I never once actually tried to play the games. Twilight Princess was the first 3D Zelda title I started playing from the beginning. I was blown away by the realism of the series. I never thought Zelda could be realistic, as I, and everone else, was used to the cartoony Zelda we grew up with. After playing throught this game, I came to love the 3D Zeldas quite a bit. I bought Ocarina and played through it and can say it's a great game now, and I bought Skyward Sword on Day One. Although not a grand fan of the series, We'll see where my new found obsession will take me.
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