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Why do some game franchises change so much?

Today I'd like to take a topic that recently has been very close to home for me. Just recently I rented, and played through, Sonic and The Secret Rings. And with this I'd like to ask sega, as well as other developers who think that by changing the gameplay everytime a sequel of a good game comes out that it will be a hit, Why? Sure, Sonic and the Secret Rings would be embraced by me if it was a completly new series coming out for the wii, but with my remberance of the glory days of sonic, I just can't embrace it. I know I may be sounding anal here, but even though the new game is fun, the fact that it isn't the same sonic anymore really bothers me. Rember the good old days, I asked myself as I paced through a side mission that I just had to complete to get to the next stage, when sonic was fast, new, and incredabily good, what happened to those days? Not that I'm saying that changing the series is wrong, I mean Square Enix succeded with the new combat system in Final Fantasy XII, and I'm not saying that you should wring out what works until people are sick of it, all I'm saying is that sometimes series don't need changes, especially when they're this drastic. Why is it that the game in the Sonic franchise that is the most different from any other in the series is being embrassed the most by critics. And I finally realized that its because people were sick of the 3-D flops that were of the past (looking at you, Sonic Heroes) and Sega had almost forced themselves to have to change so drastically just to get something out that was half-way decent, and not completely terrible. So I ask you, developers, to please stop changing what works so drastically that it isn't the same game anymore, just stop.