I just got my 5th platinum today :) so I'm going to make a list of all platinumed games
Very 1st one: Call of Duty World at War
It was somewhat difficult playing through veteran. The last four levels were really hard but with some frustration and some controller throwing i beat it. The trophy: Gunslinger, took me about 6 or 7 tries. Vendetta is my most played level in any Call of Duty. The last trophy I got before my platinum was Sum of All Zeros. Wow it took me about 5 tries. It was HARD. I think the most difficult trophy in the set. Currently my platinum is at 86% because of the new map pack out.
2nd Platinum: Little Big Planet
Ahh I love this game. All the bronze trophies are really easy. Silver and Gold take time. Booty Master was my last before platinum. Getting 100% of the prize bubbles, you can't do it alone. Most of the other trophies make you rely on other people. Play was the hardest one. Beat all story levels without dying. I had to have my friend help me it's so hard. 100% on this game :) including the MGS trophies
3rd Platinum: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
GREAT game. I loved it. I've played through it about 4 or 5 times. I have some of it memorized. I hate collecting things in games so collecting the treasures were a little annoying but 60 treasures in 22 chapters isn't too bad. Crushing was pretty hard. It was a good thing I knew where the enemies were coming from before they were there. The final fight was really frustrating..but overall easy platinum
4th Platinum: Fallout 3
Another great game. This platinum was time consuming. Took me forever. I got it in January and platinumed it in May. None were really hard but again the boring collecting things. The bobble-heads were very well hidden. Some of the quests were so awesome some were boring. I'm looking forward to getting more fallout trophies from the dlc.
5th Platinum: inFAMOUS
Seems like I only platinum amazing games. That's true. This game is just a masterpiece. I loved it. 3 trophies gave me some problems. Hard Finish: Kessler is quite a challenge when playing on hard. It's satisfying when you finally beat him and you get two trophies for it. The stunt list was annoying. I could never get Right Back at Ya. I pushed a gernade back at an enemy and it never killed them. I finally did it once. UGH! the worst trophy of them all is getting 100% of the shards. 350 items is way too much to collect. My only complaint about the game.