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My Two Cents About E3 09 :) and games I'm looking forward to

Hola everyone. I deleted my old blogs because they were stupid and I made them like a year ago. I'm starting to fix up my game collection, info, and blogs etc.

So overall I was impressed by this year's E3. I watched all the G4 stuff on TV. My first week of summer spent well haha :) First off was microsoft. I thought they came out and nailed it. Modern Warfare gameplay looked sick, some of their games and surprises were good. I was impressed by the new Splinter Cell and Alan Wake. Natal was awesome I was pretty jealous over that. Metal Gear going to 360 :( but overall I'd give it an A-

EA- They kinda bored me. Drage Age looked good. The star wars trailer was cool but i'm not into mmos so pass for that. The saboteur looked decent nothing to great. I'm not much of a sports game fan myself so EA didn't do much for me. Crysis 2 was probably the only thing I cared about. I'd give them a C

Ubisoft- O god.. Most boring press confrence everrr. I'm a big fan of the soup but Joel Mchale seemed like a weird host for a game press conference. They showed pretty much nothing. That guy talking about Avatar? bored me to death. 15 minutes of talking and no trailer or gameplay. I had never heard about it before the conference. I thought he was gonna talk about that Nickelodeon show lol. I had no clue what he was taling about. Red Steel 2 looked bad. Way off from the first. This a western and its got a weird art style. Doesn't seem like it should a be a sequel more like a new ip. Assassins Creed 2 trailer was the only thing I cared about. But no gameplay :( until son. Their grade. D-

Nintendo- Overall..better than last year. The annoying lady talked again..why? she knows nothing about video games. New super mario bros wii looked very fun and I will def get it this year. The blah blah blahed for a while. DS junk i don't care about. Super Mario Galaxy 2= Win :) The metroid trailer was awesome. Team Ninja is gonna do something great with this one.. and a story whoaaa. Their grade: B- pretty good but the only they have little coming out this year for the wii just Wii sports resort which comes out in the summer and New Super Mario Bros Wii

Sony- My dudes. I gotta say Uncharted 2 is already my pick for Game of the Year haha. Looked awesome. MAG looked better than i thought it did. PSP Go looked good may look into one. MGS Peace Walker looks cool. Gran Turismo I didn't care too much about. The big announcements were FF14 online..if i have to pay I'm not getting it but hurray for exclusives. The Last Guardian looked beautiful but I'll have to see more gameplay. The animations for the kid I didn't think looked that great. Assassins Creed 2 looked cool. Double blades to the heads was amazing. I need to play the first one...last God of War 3 was sweet and gonna b crazy good. I'll give sony a B+

I don't own a 360 but i say microsoft won.

So the games I want this year follows

Uncharted 2

Modern Warfare 2

Assassins Creed 2

Bioshock 2


Red Dead Redemption



Ratchet and Clank Future: A crack in time

Brutal Legend

Batman AA

so yes hurray E3 i loved it. Life goal: Go to E3 someday :)