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12/21/12: The End of the World Pt.2

Part II: Great Predictions and False Prophecies.

After watching the video I became very interested in the subject of prophecies and the end of the world crap. I quickly began research the following year where I found some shocking info, as well as predictions...that just didn't happen, period! Anyway let us begin:

The Great Predictions & Prophets.

[As we've learned in the previous chapter St. Malachy was well-known for his prediction of the popes, yet he wasn't the only one to predict such things such as the end of the world. Others may include the famous Nostradamus, to even lesser-known prophets such as Mother Shipton and Kenneth Mackenzie. Anyway let me share with ya some facts and predictions of these prophets.]

Nostradamus - [A personal favorite of mine.] Born in the early 16th century, Nostradamus has become one of the world's most widely known and read prophets. His poetic yet cryptic quatrainsare claimed by some to conceal information about future events. He completed a total of 942 quatrains which he organized into Centuries - groups of 100 quatrains (one Century only had 42 quatrains). "Spooky" quatrains allegedly foretelling the events of 9/11 with incredible specificity were circulating online within hours of the first jetliner crash in New York City saying ""In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb", The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"[This certain quatrain was probably a prank, but Nostradamus did predict such things that are related to the 9/11 attacks.] This one however is real, "Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth will cause tremors around the New City. Two great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusawill redden a new river. [In a recent History Channel program,The Lost Book of Nostradamus. Was a book of art drawn by his son to illustrate his predictions. One page had a towerwith an exploding flame as seen below:

Other Predictions includes the famous quatrain predicting King Henry II or France.

"The young lion will overcome the older one, On the field of combat in a single battle; He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage, Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death. (Century 1, Quatrain 35)" In June 1559, Henry II ignored all warnings that Nostradamus gave him and participated in a jousting tournament against the Comte de Montgomery. Both men used shields embossed with lions. Montgomery was six years younger than Henry. During the final bout of fighting in the tournament, Montgomery failed to lower his lance in time. It shattered, sending a large splinter through the king's gilded visor (golden cage). The result was two moral wounds (two wounds made one and then he will die a cruel death.) One splinter spliced eye; the other impaled his temple just behind the eye. Both splinters from the lance penetrated his brain. Henry lived for ten days in agony, thus fulfilling the Nostradamus prophecy that he would die a cruel death.

This is one of the few prophecies in the quatrains where Nostradamus actually got the year dead on,reffering to the fire of London.

"The blood of the just will be demanded of London, Burnt by the fire in the year 66." - (Century 2; Quatrain 51)

On Sunday morning, the 2nd September 1666, the destruction of medieval London began with one simple spark. In five days a cataclysmic fire destroyed the city of Shakespeare. An area of one and a half miles by half a mile lay in ashes; 373 acres inside the city walls and 63 acres outside, 87 churches destroyed (including St. Paul's Cathedral) and 13,200 houses. Although the blood of the just in the quatrain was demanded of London, only six people died. Some people see the blood of the just as it was translated from the French to mean that justice was done to the Black Death. This fire did the city a great service by destroying the millions of rats that were carrying the Black plague through the cityâ€TMs population.

*Info obtained from*

[But it doesn't stop there, even Nostradamus predicted the end of the world on the fateful date of...well I'll let ya read for yourself.]

Nostradamus worked with all 13 constellations when making astrological predictions which takes us to Ophiuchus(pronounced off-ee-YOO-cuss) - the 'Serpent Holder' Ophiuchus is one of the 88 known constellations and was also one of the 48 listed by Ptolemy. It is a large constellation located around the celestial equator between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east. Of the 13 zodiacal constellations (constellations that contain the Sun during the course of the year), Ophiuchus is the only one not counted as an astrological sign. In connecting the astrological 'dots', remember all that you've read here about the Eye of the Milky Way Galaxy, 2012 and the Ouroboros. Ouroboros is an ancient alchemy symbol depicting a snake or dragon [DNA] swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forming a circle.

[This made it clear that he too believed that the end of the world would be present in the year 2012. Now let's get off of Nostradamus because I can go all day about that guy, anyway let's here of another prophet.

Mother Shipton is another prophet, since 1641 there have been more than 50 different editions of books about Mother Shipton and her prophecies. Most of her prophecies mostly delt with England. One prediction follows, ]

"The maiden Queen full many a year
Shall England's warlike sceptre bear.
Those who sighed, then shall sing,
And the bells shall changes ring.
The Papal power shall bear no sway,
And Rome's trash shall hence be swept away.
The locusts from the Seven Hills
This English Rose shall seek to kill -
And the Western monarch's wooden horses
Shall be destroyed by Drake's forces."

Mother Shipton also speaks of the death of Mary, Queen of Scots, and the achievement of an uneasy peace in war-torn Ireland - just another of the curious parallels with our own time. In the same passage she refers to the beheading of the Earl of Essex. Elizabeth loved the arrogant, ambitious, fiery Essex but those very qualities made him her rival and in the end she agreed to his death. She was nearly 70 years old but she still loved him and she must have been tortured by what she felt she had to do. It was not long after Essex's death that Elizabeth herself died, a lonely figure at the end.

"The northern line of Tweed
The maiden Queen shall next succeed
And join in one, two, mighty States
then shall Janus shut his gates."

Mother Shipton died at the beginning of Queen Elizabeth I's long reign. It is said that she predicted her own death in 1561. Perhaps it was a fitting moment. In her own way Ursula Shipton had been a part of the turbulent age which had seen so much great change in England. Her voice had been heard in the highest places in the land, sometimes as a warning, sometimes as a kind of commentary, throughout those dark years of conflict.


[Both prophets made great predictions, but their are even some who have failed in predicting the future as well as the end of the world. Let's meet a few.]

One major boo-boo was back in 1205 when Joachim of Fiore predicted in 1190 that the Antichrist was already in the world, and that King Richard of England would defeat him. Of course this never happened.

[Sure the guy made a harmful prediction but this next guy, Benny Hinn was jus a pure moron that had 0% of his prophecies come ture. Here's some of his famous quotes that we all laugh at even today.]

"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God."

"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."

[He showed up in many TBN Pray-a-thons and in Fall 2000 he claimed that the Lord had told him, "That time is running out, time is almost up!" Many believe that he continued to cast on beliefs of the end of the world, but of course the guy was a completely failed, like all of his predictions.]

Even the wonderful Mother Shipton,the 16th century mystic, [who I wrote about above.]predicted the end of the world: "...The world to an end shall come; in eighteen hundred and eighty-one." Even with her successful predictions this one was declared false.

A major Jehovah's Witness prediction date. The Watchtower Society selected 1975 as its next main prediction. This was based on the estimate "according to reliable Bible chronology Adam was created in the year 4026 BCE, likely in the autumn of the year, at the end of the sixth day of creation." 8They believed that the year 1975 a promising date for the end of the world, as it was the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation. Exactly 1,000 years was to pass for each day of the creation week. This prophecy also failed.

Edgar Whisenaut, a NASA scientist, had published the book "88 Reasons why the Rapture will Occur in 1988." It sold over 4 million copies.

[Whisenaut sure got some big bucks for his big flop of a predictions.]

Peter Ruckman concluded from his analysis of the Bible that the rapture would come within a few years of 1990.

[And Now! I present, the BIGGEST failed prediction of all time and it began with the man named, William Miller.]

In 1843founder of the Millerite movement, predicted that on March 21, 1843 the world would end with the second coming of Jesus. A massive number of Christians accepted his prophecy, but nothing happened of course. But good old William didn't give up he announced to his followers that he miscalculated his prophecy and gave them a new date, October 22, 1844. Many Christians sold their property and possessions, quit their jobs and prepared themselves for the second coming. At last the date came and many awaited inside his church, and even though a small meteor shower peered over the night sky, nothing happened; the day came and went without incident.This event which is now called "The Great Disappointment," would forever be known to "end of the world" researchers as well as a comfort to others as a way for them to say, "They predicted it before and never happened!" Miller lived out the rest of his days in misery, his reputation would forever be tarnished due to his false prediction.

My thoughts:

Great prophets such as Nostradamus and Mother shipton had their brilliant moments, but there are cases where even the greatest prophets failed, and well as not so great prophets, "cough" Benny "cough" Miller "cough". But that's the thing about predictions, they are only true when they happen. Some prophecies can only even be explained after the predicted event. A picture of a burning tower would of meant nothing to us before 9/11, but only afterwards we now understand. Even with predictions such as a crocked cross weren't explainable before we saw the Axis symbol. It is true that anyone can "Make-up" a prediction, but at times we only know that their true when they happen so it's really up to us. You have to choose rather you believe or not. Sometimes you'll be wrong, but their are times where the prophecies are true but it all comes down to whether you believe them.

But now in a matter of 5 years a new prediction will come to present, the dreaded year of 12/21/12 which has been the predicted year to the end of the world is drawing close and now is the time for you to believe it or not. You can look away from it and carry on your life or you can embrace it and prepare. Whether you're right or wrong it's your choice and remember to always accept your decision.

So now, we draw to a close on my second part of this article, on Part 3 look forward to the finale as I deliver the shocking predictions and history that lead to the final date of 12/21/12.