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Xbox 360 vs. PS3, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, and Guitar Hero: World Tour

Welcome to the first ever edition of Ramblings of a Game Collector. Or if there already is a blog with the same name, welcome to MY version of it. My name is Ethan, and through thick and thin, best and worst, I will be (Or TRYING to) posting my thoughts on everything happening across the world, whether it is games, national news (if it's important enough), basically, whatever I can think of.

Now, to kick off my first ever blog, I want to have a rant about the latest article Gamespot has generously posted; Xbox 360 vs. PS3. So, where to start? The sandbagging of the Playstation 3? The glees of joy that the 360 is keeping up with much more advanced graphics technology? Or maybe be part of the in-between crowd, yapping about the PC being the best despite the noticeable handicap that it is not even involved in the conflict? Actually, those are three good points we can make use of.

Firstly, I know that some Playstation Fanboys are going to try give me a personal flogging day from what I'm going to say, but let me say this: I'm neutral in this conflict. I believe that both the Xbox 360 and PS3 have the technology and potential to push the boundaries that we have not even reached yet. But I am still disappointed that the PS3, of all consoles, is struggling to keep up. They have some of the best technology available to them, such as Blu-Ray, which allows more than 60 GB onto a single disc, yet they are producing some low High Definition games today. It is such a major shame that Sony is not hell bent on pushing the PS3.

However, that is to say the PS3 hasn't had it easy lately. The main reason for this is that games such as Fallout 3 are simply ports from the Xbox 360 or PC versions. This is why people flock to the console exclusive games, such as Resistance 2, because they are raised on that system's hardware. This is what the PS3 needs right now, because with big Xbox 360 hitters like Gears Of War 2 here, people may begin to lose hope with the big 'S'.

There is, however, joy in the PS3's misery. Mostly for the Xbox 360 and its Fanboys. When the PS3 was first released, it was an absolute powerhouse compared to the Xbox 360. All of the latest technologies, not to mention some A-list games that were console exclusive. Now, as the cracks appear to show, Microsoft is going in for the kill, with games that look much better than their PS3 counterparts, and perform better as well. I'm pleased about this too, despite me being neutral, as this is showing that older technology from the Xbox 360 is keeping up with more advanced technology, and in some cases, moving beyond them. It's a great kick in the nuts to the expression, 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'. Now if only the Wii could pull off this kind of prank. Then again, sales will go through the roof just like its first official release.

To finish off this rant on the latest article, I want to know what PC users are doing on an article featuring consoles. Seriously, why are they here? It seems as if PC fanboys are trying to push the PC into a war it probably does not want to be involved in, even though it could win anyway. The reason for it would be that you can upgrade your PC with graphics cards and the like, which console users unfortunately lack. But back to the point. PC users, you have two choices. Make something up on the forums, or try asking the Gamespot Staff to write something for you. Don't come on and post a comment if you are not even remotely talking about the subject. Pay attention, goddammit!

Moving on now, I want to have a chat about the new game based on the sport Parkour, Mirror's Edge, available for the PS3 and Xbox 360. First off, what a game it is. Games in the past have only had a third-person view on a game like this, but it is amazing how a change of view can change what we think of a game such as Mirror's Edge.

The story is standard though. You play as Faith, a runner who delivers messages for her clients. But your sister is framed and now you have to run through the city to find out what has happened. It's a decent story, for the least, with some twists thrown in for good measure, but you won't be worrying about that as you run across rooftops at 200 Km/h out of control.

This isn't going to be a review, even though I may post one through the week, but it definitely deserved more than a 7 from Gamespot. Still, it is their own opinion, everyone has their different opinions, which is why I'm giving it an 8.5. If you want the reasons, when the review is posted, it will be there.

Now, for those who have been paying attention to me, and if you have, get out of the house, I have mentioned Fallout 3 a few times over the last couple of weeks. To be honest, it's uncontrollable. Its an absolute cracker of a game that will devour your daylight hours, although will not steal as much as Oblivion has.

The videos on Gamespot do not really do it justice for what you can expect in the game. It goes beyond what you would expect about this game and its genre. I have one issue with this game though; it is a Role Playing game, but it still undeniably have a First Person Shooter feel about it, and if you happen to have some experience with the genre, then most should find this easily accessible.

If I do get the chance, I will post a review for this game despite having the PS3 version, but on any console, it's a must buy. This game should change the way we think of First-Person shooters, Role Playing games, storylines and decisions.

To finish off my first ever blog, I want to chat about the latest game in the Guitar Hero franchise, World Tour. This being the first game I have played which has included a drum stick and mic. The reason for this, is because, and I am ashamed of this, is because I do not have an internet connection for my Xbox 360 or PS3, so I'm stuck with the Set Lists. And lets face it, 80 songs in a Set List in a game like Guitar Hero is awfully impressive.

The character customisation is a step forward as well. I like the fact that I can rock out on a plastic guitar with my own character shredding his guitar in the game. It adds to the feel that you are in an actual band and being a true Rockstar. However, it still does not seem like enough of a feature, especially considering that there is not much of a choice of clothes or hairstyles and the like. It's a shame that more effort was put into it.

All in all, Guitar Hero: World Tour is a great game that is a good equal to Rock Band, and really, until Harmonix can start releasing Rock Band across the world as World Tour has, I'm firmly in Guitar Hero camp. I think almost every gamer in Australia is on the same side anyway.

That's it for my first ever blog. If you have any comments or questions, please, feel free me message me on Gamespot. I'm open to suggestions about how this blog can be improved, because I do want this blog to be successful, and without feedback, I won't be able to change the blog for the better.

Next blog, I'll be talking about the new Prince of Persia game, F.E.A.R 2's banning in Australia, and I share my feelings on Resistance 2, and how it makes it a must-own for Playstation 3 owners everywhere. Also, try to keep an eye out for my review of Mirror's Edge, which will be released during the week.

See you next week, for another edition of Ramblings of a Game Collector.

