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Way to much death!!!

Last night didn't exactly go as planned. I was hoping to finish off Afro Samurai, but only made it a bit farther. I stopped somewhere around the area that you face the third brother inside the clock like thing. I was getting my a$$ kicked when a buddy of mine came over to hang out for a while. We ended up playing the game we always play and I only play this game with him because no one else can really deal with the shear difficulty of the game. Demon's Souls is a game not for the weak. You are guaranteed to die over and over again. I don't think I've ever played a game that was as hard as this one. But maybe that's its appeal. I mean even though we keep on dying, and you have to pretty much start over again, when you make it to a new area its almost worth it. We decided that we're going to try and start making this a weekly ritual and try and make some ground in this game. Right now we're not that far in, still on the first level, but did manage to beat the first major boss in the Phalanx. Last night we made it to another boss in the Tower Knight, and we almost had him but he got the better of us in the end and we decided to call it quits. . . . for now. I'm going to try and finish Afro Samurai tonight if I can, but who knows.