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Wildcatter Blog

Join these Unions!!!!

Hey y'all its me again...instead of the usual ranting and ravings, I'm gonna promote the two unions im in so far. The first is a Dynasty Warriors Union. We're doing pretty good so far, and I hope we can become the official union of DW.

The second is my baby...I was one of the first people to join. It's the Golden Gamers Union, and all u have to be to join is a gamer who has been playing since at least last generation (Playstation era). Preferably, two generations would be great. We wanna go back as far as Pong if possible, and we'll have all kinds of things (as soon as we think of them).

BTW : 34 days till graduation:lol::D

U know who this is, I'm out.

So tired...

Wow...we fininshed six weeks tests 2day... and I'm tired. I have 3 AP classes, and everyone is hella work. Add that in with Track stuff and I'm wiped out. I have 2 days 2 rest up, an it's back to the lab again.

Any discus throwers out there, holla at me.

This is Wildcatter, zzzzzzz.....

Happy New Year?

Wow. I don't believe it's been a month since I last did one of these.

Well, yeah I can. I've been busy with my long-distance relationship. My girl lives in California, so that means plenty of really late nite phone calls. School has also been kicking my butt. This semester, in addition to AP Calculus, I have AP Phych. and AP Gov't (good times :roll:). I'm also doin work for the Debate team and I just signed up for student Gov't, so I'm really humpin it in my last HS semester.

Unfortunetly, this doesn't leave much time for gaming. You will see me from time 2 time online in ESPN NFL 2K5 (my username is Wildcatter ) so if ur feelin lucky, then what up!?!

Wildcatter, signing out.

Its Christmas time!!!

Well, before i address the good stuff, I have to comment on "Black Monday", a.k.a. the day EA ruined football games.

I have had a system or two in every generation of games. In all that time, I have bought maybe 1 Madden game. My first football game was Tecmo Bowl for the NES. The next was Deion Sander's Prime Time Football for the Genesis. Finally, when i got my DC (may it rest in peace), i got my first taste of the Sega 2K franchise. Since then, i have been hooked. It easily my favorite sports game, and i don't know what I would do without it. With that said, the future is unknown for the series. Even if it doesn't have the NFL logo on it, I will still buy the Sega football game.

Alright, now to the good stuff. Christmas is 1 week away :D! Since this is my senior year, I already know not to expect much. However, I will be hooked up on the game front. My little brothers are getting a Gamecube with Mario Kart and NBA Live 2005, so I have another system to play. It's funny b/c at first they were going to get a PS2, but for 10 year olds this was a better value. Plus, the PS2 that we had a chance to buy was the only 1 in the store, and when we passed it up it went to a mother who has an autistic child and who has been camping out 4 three weeks looking for that system. It turned out to be a win-win for everyone. PLUS, as fallout from that decision, I get Ratchet and Clank: GC and Tekken 4. Finally, I am getting a network adapter for it, so I will see y'all online. I have moved up in the game world, and its gonna be fun!!

As always, this is Wildcatter signing out.

Back in tha lab...

Hey y'all im back w/ another entry. Things have cooled down a little now that football is over. Unfortunetly we didn't make the playoffs, but we had fun anyway.

There's exactly 2 weeks until Christmas (yay)! I'm not getting any games, but im making a trade with my brothers, so im getting the slim PS2 while they get my old one. I'll be able 2 go online then (another yay ). Right now i only have 1 game thats online capable, but im plannin on getting more.

Oh, special shoutout 2 my new homeboy, rubenlp, who is a fellow Smallville lover. Sry it took so long to accept, but you know how things can get busy.

Until later, this is Wildcatter signing out.


Its a wonderful day in my neighborhood. It was our homecoming game last night, and we won a defensive struggle, 3-0. Tonight is the homecoming dance, and of course yours truely is going. This is the first time today that I have had a chance to sit down properly. This morning I had to go to my school for conditioning and film, and then I went to get my hair cut. Life is busy for a football player. If y'all have seen the movie Friday Night Lights, you have a small idea of what Texas high school football players go through. If you haven't seen it, I suggest that you do so. As a result of all of this running around, however, I haven't had a lot of quality time with my PS2. I'll try to get in a game of football before the dance, but I'm not even sure if I will get that.

Until next time, this is Wildcatter, signing out.

My first post

Hey world! This is Wildcatter with my very 1st journal entry. A little background about me...

Im currently a HS senior at Poteet High School, which is in a suburb of Dallas, TX. I have a 3.93 GPA on a 4.0 scale and I'm planning to attend the Univ. of Texas. I play football (Def. End) and am on the Speech/Debate Team.

Any High School football players or Master Debaters, feel free to give a shoutout!

My gaming system of choice is the PS2, and my favorite games are RPG's and sports games (especially football)

In my gaming world today... I played ESPN NFL 2K5 (instead of doing my research paper). I played a game in my Franchise (I'm the Cowboys, of course) and worked on my QB skills. I rediscovered the Evade moves that u can use in the pocket by moving the right stick. Since my QB is Quincy Carter (I need to get a roster update), I can perform the moves EZ.

Well y'all thats it 4 today. Wildcatter, Signing Out