Well, before i address the good stuff, I have to comment on "Black Monday", a.k.a. the day EA ruined football games.
I have had a system or two in every generation of games. In all that time, I have bought maybe 1 Madden game. My first football game was Tecmo Bowl for the NES. The next was Deion Sander's Prime Time Football for the Genesis. Finally, when i got my DC (may it rest in peace), i got my first taste of the Sega 2K franchise. Since then, i have been hooked. It easily my favorite sports game, and i don't know what I would do without it. With that said, the future is unknown for the series. Even if it doesn't have the NFL logo on it, I will still buy the Sega football game.
Alright, now to the good stuff. Christmas is 1 week away :D! Since this is my senior year, I already know not to expect much. However, I will be hooked up on the game front. My little brothers are getting a Gamecube with Mario Kart and NBA Live 2005, so I have another system to play. It's funny b/c at first they were going to get a PS2, but for 10 year olds this was a better value. Plus, the PS2 that we had a chance to buy was the only 1 in the store, and when we passed it up it went to a mother who has an autistic child and who has been camping out 4 three weeks looking for that system. It turned out to be a win-win for everyone. PLUS, as fallout from that decision, I get Ratchet and Clank: GC and Tekken 4. Finally, I am getting a network adapter for it, so I will see y'all online. I have moved up in the game world, and its gonna be fun!!
As always, this is Wildcatter signing out.
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