Willceace / Member

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Blog Number One

Helloooo people!! :lol:

Figured I'd have to start myself with a blog now. I'm usually extremely bloggy on my myspace page, Which I choose not to plug. :D I'll see how my videogame and non-videogame related rambles get me.

So.. . . I'm a sectoid. :) Those bug eyed aliens off of X-Com or so I believe. Blah, ramble.

Purchased N3 or Ninety-Nine bad voice actors to the non 360 savvy. I enjoy the game ardently. Although there are niggles, I play it through out of a genuine curiosity to where the story would lead.
Traded in the Outfit and Prey too. Got Moto-GP '06. Wasn't sure if I'd like the game. It being a motorbike game that involves a track and all. i thought It'd be nice to try something new. The only motorbike game I have played or remember playing, other than excitebike 8) was Microsoft Motocross Madness, and I had a ball on that. Moto-GP however..... Well. It Is Good, Excellent even. It's just that ..erm.. I'm not. lol. I had no clue about what settings to apply to my bikes breaks and suspension and the like, I ended up leaving the first level with an extremely bad first impression. Mainly because the bike I was using handled like a Drunken Moose. And there were some painfully unforgiving corners on the qualifying track.

Oh yeah, Saints row in two days too. :D I hope anyway. I preordered N3 and recieved that a day early. Mebbe I'll have the same thing happen this week. Should do.. i've eaten my greens and everything. lol. Anyway.

Willceace Out!!

x X x