Willceace / Member

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Blog Number Two!!

Well, I have been away from gamespot for a day or two, Just been playing saints row. It's amazing how ragdoll physics and free aiming can make a "GTA clone" better for some people than GTA itself. I personally think the GTA series has outlived its novelty. And I assume everyone who is/was faithful to the rockstar franchise will be badmouthing Saints Row all the way to the next gen GTA's release. And then if/WHEN it turns out that GTA 360/ ps3 is a mediocre title, all of those people will refuse to eat their words and play the inferior game. Granted, if it is good. I WILL eat my words and play it. But I'll stick with my guns if it's just a blatantly average next gen cash in that rests on the reputation bulit up by the other games in the series. I'll probably get dogged for this by anyone glancing over my page with a love for the GTA series. cue abusive comments and what not. lol. Anyhoo, opinionated mini rant over.

Who ever thought insurance fraud could be so entertaining??? LoL. Finally got my gun shop discount too. And a nice shiny mansion. :D One storyline has been cleared up fully now. It was quite short, but it's alright. :D I'm having a ball.

Willceace Out!!