I'm gonna get rid of my xbox 360 and buy either a gaming rig or a ps3. Mainly because I am pig sick of microsoft and their money grubbing bullsh!t. I recently mocked my friend for paying to play world of warcraft. But then he made a valid point to me, you're practically doing the same for the xbox live service. Initially I shrugged it off and went back about my business. It slowly started to sink in. It wasn't just the whole pay to play thing. The live arcade, The movie 'rental' thing, the themes/gamer pic things. Itis all revenue for the greedy GREEDY bastards. How well did they plan gamerscore? Playing on people's dumb competetiveness. Every god awful game that is released can safely get sales just on the strength of a promise of 1000 gamerscore. I had heard somewhere that microsoft had plans to somehow convert the score into currency. That sounded good. But it folded. Blah.
I'd sooner get a ps3 these days, you don't have to pay to go online. I'm not sure how their live system works in regards to demos and stuff. and 99% of the games that are out for the 360 have been released for the ps3 save for a few 'microsoft exclusives' like Gears of war. I do enjoy Gears. But that is the only game in the 360 release schedule that seems worth a toss. The sparse release schedule doesn't really offer much to keep any people loyal to MS. That as well as games being released practically incomplete then later being accompanied by downloadable content which is hardly ever free... Ninja Gaiden 2 being a prime example. The 'mission mode' DLC was available at release. And by rights, it should have already been on the game disc with gaiden. But no. Looks like team ninja also jumped onto the money money money band wagon.
That's why I'd get a gaming rig. Updates / patches / mods are readily available for pc users, for free might I add. Maybe if there were a modding system for the xbox 360 I'd consider keeping it. As mods can breathe life into many games. There are still people playing the original Max Payne on the strength of mods. But sods law, If a modding system were released MS would charge for the exchange of mods that the players made. blah blah. My rant is over.