And cue the cheesy elevator music, the distant anguished groans, the sounds of people stumbling and shuffling, Then abruptly follow it with the sound of a chainsaw Revving up! :D
Only two days now until I get to charge around the Willamette Mall as reporter Frank West. I recall early footage of the game (evidently before Frank had some plastic surgery to make him look a little more handsome) And I thought the game looked dull and repetetive, Just going on the original gameplay movie I saw. but then out came the second trailer, I was amazed at the swarm of undead viewable on the screen. And happy that the hero looked a little less ermm... Well you know.. lol. Oh, Yes, and the OOOOODLES of gore. I'm a gorehound. Hostel amused me....
Seeing as I preordered the game, I'll recieve it a day earlier than the stores are allowed to sell it. Naughty eh?
One thing that is kinda P_ssing me off, It feels like all of the game release dates are getting bunched together. Week before last was Ninety-Nine Nights, last week was Saints Row and this week it's Dead Rising as well as Enchanted Arms!!! I don't know if anyone else does the same as i do, but, I feel I need to rush through the last game I had in order to play the next game I'm getting. As what usually happens is, I put one game down unfinished to play another and lose track of the storyline (if there was one)
But it seems like there'll be a lull, video game-wise for the next couple of weeks, so I'll get chance to play my games. But I bet Lost Planet, RE5, Assassins Creed, Gears Of War, Alan Wake, Alone in the Dark, Max Payne 3 and whatever game on my future wish list are gonna be released in a chain succession, if not at the same time.
(above bit was sarcasm, as I've not properly checked release dates and such)
Blah. Roll on thursday :D
Willceace Out