Willceace / Member

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Vegas Single and GoW Multiplayer

The single player.
The macho need to play it on realistic to get the legend Acheivement has staggered me. But I feel proud at how far I've got. And believe me. There are some moments where my lack of forward planning in on the prior levels has left me up the creek without a paddle. I'd be a bad leader in real life, Because I happily send my two team mates to their iminent death at the hands of tangos. And then Get mad when they have the nerve to fall down and request healing. And I get very very mad when they have the bare faced cheek to go and die on me. As I said. My leadership qualities are questionable at best.
I'm currently sending them in head first into a chinese restraunt that is a death trap. And I expect them to clear house, as I've gotten all of the tango-frag offline acheivements I need. (500 terrorists killed. Nice and easy, as it records your kills even when you've died. And the 150 terrorists killed with a pistol was a guilty pleasure to achieve when i was strutting up the vegas strip with a S.W.A.T. sheild on one arm and a 92fs with an extended mag on the other hand. Hehe, BOOM, HEADSHOT!!

In my short service on the ranked matches of Gears of War, I've found myself teamed up with a bunch of quitters, spitters and sh*tters. Who make it agonising to play the game. As well as hosts who end games early just because the match isn't going their way. I never assumed the childishness of tantrum throwing would extend to the 'series of tubes' that are the X Box live servers.
Although, In the last 2 days, I've come across two hosts in particular who are a credit to the game. :D Communication is key to victory. Last night in the early hours I was in an execution match in the mausoleum(sp?) With the host called ASH3 I believe, We were in the lobby waiting for people and we just started shooting it. Well, me being me, I rarely break radio silence for strangers. But, it was just me and him waiting for other players and he was chatting away. I saw it as good manners to talk. We just rambled for about ten minutes until the server filled up and then went on to have a really good match. (we lost, but didn't half give them hell) The fact he was a good sport, Boosted him into my preferred list. And early(ish) this morning, I was in a server and I joined the COG side. At the time I was private chatting with my mate Jucks. And the host was in the COG too, He said something like "Hey Will, Have you got a mic? If you don't Have a Mic, you gotta go Locust" I switched onto the game channel and told him I was in P.C. he just said ok thats cool, And we went onto the round. I was still in the game channel and it was excellent how Communication, and teamwork Got us a clean victory. All four of us were reporting to each other and we were getting the job done. :) There was one instance where myself and one of the other team had gotten into a pistol fist fight. lol. We were both on our knees. My team mate came over and got me up. and said "He's yours Will, You earned it" I was satisfied with it. Where as I've been on countless servers before where you're 'team mates' would gladly curb stomp a harmless downed enemy over resurecting you. But, alas. These guys were all excellent sports.
So, Gamertags JFRESH12 BEATZ and ASH3 are preferred now. I recommend you look them up if you see that they're hosting. You'll not be disappointed. Well, unless you're on the losing team. lol

Anyhoo. Bed is calling me.