I've had the game since thursday, and I've already noticed people exploiting and cheating their way to higher ranks. It's painful. I hate how the graphics have been shaved down to x-box 0.1 lite to support the multiplayer. I was playing this and gears of war, and for about a day, I preferred Vegas. Because I was in the honeymoon phase. And the need to rank up is painful. You can't have the items that you were teased with in the multiplayer demo. So you've gotta make do and mend with the selection offered to you when you start. I'm still in olive drab camo because Urban is unavailable.
Another thing that is P'ing me off about it, is attack and defend matches with respawns. It's an excercise in futility unless you're the attacker. I gave myself an anneurism trying to secure the intel after it had already reached the helipad.
The tall and short of it all is, Don't get the game!!!!
I'm mad at it at the minute. Until they release a patch for it, I'll not be playing anymore clancy multiplayer games.
Willsea out!!
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