Welcome to the slightly long and slightly re-named blog. A look into an Alt-Dimension:D
Back to Basics
Yes, My Gamespot Plus membership has finally come to an end. This is mainly because of my recent 360 purchase and right now I don't have the money to upgrade it. But I will be going back to plus when I get the money because I like watching On The Spot in a 700k stream (which is what i'm doing now, and after you been watching in 700k for a year things look a bit grainy) and downloading game guides are nice, oh and that sweet gamespot ice theme. And to be honest I would recommend it to anyone with a spare £10 (thats how much it costs for a year) so yeah!
I finally hit that first Gamerscore milestone and it fealt good! I'm starting to like the whole acheviment thing (as i'm soon to overtake one of my friends who has had his 360 for ages:P) because it pushes me to get everything out of each game I own. Talking of games I kinda need some reccomendations (or a way to supress the urge to buy games before Halo 3 comes out) for a new 360 game. I've been looking at getting perfect dark zero or Ghost recon but most of my friends say they are rubbish (despite their high gamespot score)
Long Weekend!
Yay. With the bank hoilday (Oh how I do love banks, although I'm told not to by my dad) it makes it a 3 day weekend and it gonna be cool. On Saturday I will be gaming most of the day trying to get my gamerscore up to 1.5k, on Sunday I will be doing some more gaming, then homework. And on monday I will be out all day either watching Spiderman 3 or going to a theme park called Adventure Island (you might know it) with some friends. But I'm not sure which i'm doing because I need to talk to my friends about it.
New Banner coming...
I have to admit now, I really need a new banner. So I will begin work on it on Saturday but it could take me a while
Gonna be Busy
For the next 3 week I'm gonna be busy. Next week I've got Rifle Training (Yup Real rifles). The weekend after that I got a Geography Field trip to Edale, Which is basically a big long walk spread over 3 days and I really regret putting my name down for it because all it is, is a walk then back to a log cabin to do some work. Ugh what was I thinking...
And thats it. A new "About Me" section will be done by the end of the weekend and I need some help getting the crackdown co-op acheivment and I need to do Gears of War on Hardcore and Insane.
For Gamespot, I've been Will