Yep, its that time once again the time to open advent calenders and look foreword to having chocolate every morning. Its about time it came around again!
As for me i'm hoping for a Wii this Christmas.
My dad went down to PC world and Comet a while ago and pre-ordered one from each (just in case:P) I did in fact plan to get one from amazon on november 21'st but the plan did kinda go "pear-shaped"
So i'm hoping that I can go on Friday and pick one(or two) Wii's up with an extra controller, Zelda , Wii play and monkey ball. I won't be able to open any of it untilChristmas though....
PS3 fanboys..
I'm not sure whether other people have been having this problems but all that I have been hearing is about that god dam PS3 all I hear is next-gen graphics this, better than 360 that and it is getting hella annoying....
I trying to explain the whole picture to them but most of them haven't heard of a Wii and they think 360 is rubbish then I get a long list of why PS3 is better, I have almost given up trying.
The Wii name problem has popped up again although i'm used to the name and I've got over the fact that it is stupid many of my friends haven't.
I say that i'm getting one[a Wii] for Christmas and they usually say "you're doing what for Christmas?" and then I have to explain what it is and I end up calling it the next gamecube or revolution etc.
As Jeff said "Although Wii is aimed at a wider audience, that wider audience wants a PS3 whether they are a gamer or not"
That is very true, Nintendo needs to get the Wii out there and tell people what it is and how cool it is!
I've had enough ranting for now
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