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Making a mends.


I know that I've not been seen in a while, but i'm here to make a mends. Lets just hope that this attempt goes better than all those other attempts.

Stupid TV

The TV that I have my 360 connected to has decided to start playing up. The thing is (If you don't know what I'm talking about just skip this bit) that TV doesn't technically support 60Hz but I found that after leaving it on for 15mins or the flickering would stop and I would be able to play, for example, Gears of War. Ever since I came back from holiday its stopped doing that, making it impossible for me to play gears of war. So the only XBL game I can properly play now is Halo 2... I trying to get it fixed, but I don't really know where to start :S

Ow my back

So without being able to play much on my 360 (as most good games are 60Hz only) I've been playing on the PC alot. I've been revisiting The Sims (First one, never really got around to getting sims 2) which has been alot of fun. And I have been playing Warhammer 40k Dawn of War. Yes I know these are all old games but right now I'm skint. Now because we have 2 computer in one room, one of them is in a very awkward position (When I saw awkward its not strapped to the celling, it just doesn't not on a desk that you can put your legs under) and thats the one i've been using. So now my back hurts. Luckly my parents saw that if I can tidy up my room I can have it in there, with internet! Woot! That means I'll also be ablt to play UT2004 properly!

The movies!

Over the hoilday i've been out a couple of times with my friends to see various movies.

The Simpsons Movie: I saw the advanced screening of this ages ago. Overall it was an enjoyable film, the plot was a little OTT but it was enjoyable never-the-less. 8.0/10.0

Transformers The movie: Yup I went and saw it... I know I shouldn't but people do silly things when they are with friends. Overall the story was Ok, it just felt like it had been done before. "Boy is a geek, has no girlfriend, gets special powers, saves the world, gets girlfriend, the end" 6.5/10.0 (Nice CG effects though)

Harry potter 5: This certainly was a good film, even though I'm not a fan of the books, It had a great story and it kept me in my seat. Would recommend, 8.5/10.0

Well thats all for now. I've got this week and next week then I'm back to school :( and I have to start all the work for my GCSE's :(. So I'm gonna make the most of now, and I'll be back on gears of war ASAP!
