To post an article directly on the website:
1. PM me your Wordpress username if you haven't already (make one here)
2. You will now be able to post directly on the website. :o
You can write whatever you want, upload your own pictures, and the article will be featured on the next issue of SW Magazine. Since we now have a website that allows us to be free from the awkward HTML formatting and archival problems of the Gamespot forums, we also have a lot more freedom than we did before. For example, we can now post articles as soon as we finish them, instead of having to wait until they are compiled and posted for people to read.
If you want to post a video:
1. Upload your video into a sharing site (like Mega)
2. PM me the download link so that I can post it on the SWM Youtube channel.
The Youtube channel is an official Youtube partner. The article/video you post will be on the next issue of SW Magazine! :shock: