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#1 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

Hey guys. I have a question. Does anyone who has both PSP and PS3 know if you can use the PSP remote play feature to access youtube and Hulu.com for streaming videos? As we know PSP's web browser doesn't support Flash video. But PS3's web browser does.

So then I thought to myself, hey maybe since I have a PS3 and I'm thinking of getting a PSP I could use it for this...

Can anyone tell me if this would work for me? Thanks!

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#2 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

Hey guys. I'm in the market for a multimedia device and am having trouble choosing between ipod touch and PSP 3000. Before answering your opinions, here's a list of things I want out of the device. Bear in mind I also own a PS3.

1. I like listening to podcasts. Dont really care about music though.

2. I want a device that is easy to watch movies and videos on. For instance I want to easily take a windows media file or even flash video file and put it on this device to watch. converting the file doesn't bother me much as long as it's easy to do...

3. I want to sometimes use the device as a portable web browser. I realize PSP isnt the best for web browsing, but if it gets the job done and is comparable to ipod touch in terms of web compatiblity i'm ok with that.

Also since I own a PS3 will the remote play feature improve or make up for any shortcomings the PSP would have versus the ipod if i didnt already own a PS3? Example: is watching movies and viewing web content enhancedat all whenusing the PS/PS3 remote play feature?

So for those that have both PSP and ipod Touch or are familiar with the features of both, which would be better for me to buy?


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#3 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

Okay, first off, lets make a couple things clear: Thus far, my overall impression of the Wii is VERY positive, and I'm not trying to bash Nintendo. I'm just asking out of curiosity:

Did Nintendo actually say the Wii would use one unified friend code for all games... and if so, could a link be provided... or was this simply near-launch speculation? I ask because previews for both Pokemon Rev. (***.) and Mario Strikers (Eup.) make it clear that Nintendo is going for the same "one code-per game" approach they used on the DS.




I believe it was speculation prior to launch, mainly because the Wii had a code, whereas the DS did not.  Only the games did.  It seems we'll need separate numbers for each game afterall... 

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#4 WizardsKeep
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[QUOTE="lazzordude"]so the online should have 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 ranked matches.nexusprime

Have you ever played a 2v2 match on fountain of dreams with all players being ice climbers in SSBM? the gamecube LAGS like hell and its not even online. So 2v2...is a bit too ambitious when even the hardware lags..never mind the internet connection.


No, I never played the game with that configuration, but I honestly can't imagine why 4 people would honestly want to play as Ice Climbers at the same time.  I guess we wont have to worry since Ice Climbers got axed from Brawl along with Mr. Game & Watch *cry*.

In all seriousness, the Wii does have alot more processing power than the original Gamecube chip, so it probably could handle online multiplayer.  If a game like Mario Strikers can work online, a game like Brawl can I'm sure.  Even if there ends up being lag in very special circumstances, I'm sure most of us would agree that we would rather deal with the lag and have our game online, than have no online mode at all.  Online is where all the replay is, especially if you don't have anyone to play with at home.

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#5 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

If you're looking for some good TG-16 titles, go with Bonk 1 and 2.  Both are really solid platformers.  Bomberman is also fun if you want some multiplayer action (8 players I believe).

On N64 you can't go wrong with Zelda, but here's a tip.  Instead of buying Zelda on the VC, get the Gamecube Collectors Edition version.  The graphics on the Gamecube disc are much more crisp and less blurry than they were on N64.  Plus you'll get the NES Zeldas 1 and 2 on the same disk, in addtion to Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

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#6 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts
Thanks for the list and the images.  Although, looking at them just seems to make the wait for these titles even more painful. 
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#7 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts
I wish I bought Excite Truck instead of Monkey Ball at launch.  I would go with that one.
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#8 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

As long as you aren't expecting the next Halo or Metroid quality shooter, you will have alot of fun with this game.  The first level was hard because it takes time to get used to the controls, but after that everything just clicks and you'll be left wondering why you had such a hard time to begin with.

I'm glad I bought the game despite the reviews.  Don't let a few glitches and closed minded reviews stop you from enjoying Red Steel.

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#9 WizardsKeep
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Yeah, you should get it if it interests you.  Also all DQ games are completely unrelated from each other except for the monters in the game world, so you don't need to worry about playing older games to understand what's going on.
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#10 WizardsKeep
Member since 2007 • 114 Posts

Brain Age is definitely worth it, especially for the included Sudoku mode.  Lots of fun.  Will it make you smarter?  Probably not, but it will make you sharper.  I found that my concentration at work improved after a month of Brain Age.  I wouldn't say I got more intelligent though.