Many times last year before any consoles launched there were discussions about backwards compatability and whether it sold systems or not.
Well, I'm not sure if it sold a system, but it has sold a few great games.
Tonight I played Psychonauts the way it was meant to be played.
I had previously rented Psychonauts for my PS2 and really enjoyed it, but didn't have the time to play through it all the way. The EXTRA LOOOOOONG load times didn't help matters. I didn't buy the PC version because my PC can't handle that and who plays platformers on their PC? I didn't have an XBOX and didn't plan on getting one.
Well, I bought my 360 over the summer and was looking forward to playing Psychonauts on that when I found out it was not going to be compatable at launch, but some day it might be.
When I found out it was going to be playable yesterday, I walked the mile out to the local Best Buy to buy a NEW copy of the game because I wanted to support Double Fine's effort and send Microsoft a message that BC is important.
this is not the only XBOX game I am now able to play thanks to BC. I have thoroughly enjoyed Jade Empire, Ninja Gaiden Black, and Crimson Skies.
So, I really think that backwards compatability isn't something that only moms and dads are concerned with anymore.