only a loser would replace real games for lame games like farmville or mafia wars i cant believe that some game developers are up for this and i though that dj hero and company heroes wouldnt go down to a level like this and now theyre gonna make all the new games in 3d,3d gaming should only be a gadget not the future why dont they stick to their stupid farms and restaurants and we can stick to our stuff let developers think that this will bring people closer to gaming games that are copies of harvest moon(farmville) will only attract kids and people who spend most of their daytime at an office and those people will think that games are all about farmville and mafia wars
real gamers would never turn down their xbox,ps2,ps3 or x360 for some stupid FB social game i used to play those but they got really stupid so i ditched them.and whats worse people who play those games call themselves "GAMERS"...
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