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Wolf_Dante_2006 Blog

DMC 3 and other stuff

whats happenin guys i got really far in devil may cry the new one it awesome i got the swordmaster and gunslinger modes to lvl 3 and got like my Beowulf and Agni & Rudra on max very good combintion on swordmaster mode and for gunslinger Rebellion and any other weapon but the eletair gutiar really sucks bad. Then the Vergil and the Beowulf are awesome to Lady is a pretty good character but the devil part suxs for her no devil gauge heh heh. Super Dante mode is awesome but gets really borin because u cant get hurt that easily! While besides that i goin to get my myspace profile really kool and decked out. Then i got a awesome tagged profile alot of hotties on that mmm.....women lol heh heh ok thats enough about me what about u guys haveing fun lately get any new games or hobbies?

whoa......!ya its finally Spring Break lol goin to party lol

While i guess Spring Break is goin to be awesome want to play Devil May Cry 3 and Xenosaga II all day heh heh. While besides that i got to help my friends move into there new house and also i got work on learnin how to swim thats goin to be interestin. Then I will prolly go to my friends HOTEL and go to the spa and swimmin pool alot of babes there thats goin to be awesome. O and i just got i Gaia Online it looks awesome its like a RPG heh heh while if anyone can help me out just comment me and send me ur email to yahoo or msn and u can help me out i can play it like a mad man.

Soul Calibur III whats up guys heard of it pm me

I am hearin the is a new Soul Calibur III game. While i am think this one better have a awesome story to the new charaters and like actual cut scene. Also the game better come out with a whole new combos and combintions that would be awesome. Then the ladies come in whats up with the gigtanic breast lol i think u should down size those lol i mean i love them but its just a little to noticeable lol heh heh.

level is hard heh heh

ya I am like level 4 and it takin awhile to get to level 5 its prolly because i just go add stuff to my post on Unions and they get deleted lol while besides that i chat alot to ppl and i can do like 50 things at once like a chick heh heh i not sayin guys r not multitaskable they r serious y do u think there r male prostitues heh heh i prolly didnt spell that right but ya serious heh heh and i guess i will start to post stuff up in my Journal heh heh any one help me change the size of my letters come one and add pics heh heh while c ya

Anime DVDs

while i see there are alot of ppl that like ANIMES on Gamespot while i am think i should post it here about the site i put it on the Anime and Mange Union as a post but they rejected it lol heh heh while i am putin it on here and the site is pretty awesome it has alot of animes and the exact release date for it on DVD in english but if u want to get the update on Japanese animes i would suggest u give NEWTYPE-USA a try it as awesome stuff about new Japanese animes and animes that r out in USA and the release date for that month it also comes with free DVD with the first episode to a anime and the TOP TEN IN JAPAN while thats all i got now talk to u guys laterz

Devil May Cry 3 Trailer

There are some awesome trailers on u should check them out and not the cheats the games has no meanin to it if it has all the weapons and clothes heh heh while hey serious check them got and i think Gamespot has a few to heh heh :D while hey if u guys find any Devil May Cry 3 Music Videos send me a message i want to download some heh heh laterz guys

Resident Evil

i hear that they are makein all kinds of stuff for this game like the action figures i dont no about u guys but i love playin with them lol heh heh and i also watched the movie there were awesome but i didnt y they would be Milla as a thing like Nemsis at the end heh heh prolly they are makein another movie but i got also goin to get RE4 so u guys dont tell me anythin i already know a s*** load about the story dont want any spoiler like that one german dude dies lol laterz
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