Hey guys thanks for all your ideas but i've decided ,because of your advice, to get a 3ds Please comment on my new thread the best games to get for it. Thanks!
Now i know these consoles are pretty out of date (PSvita 3ds) but they are still really good consoles. I found a website which sells DSI for?64.99 and the PSP 2000 for?54.99. I won't get the PSP just because its cheaper i wan't to know pros and cons of both please thanks. PM for website address! (It's a UK company too FREE delivery)
Thanks to everyone for your ideas I have bought tales of vesperia, eternal sonata and lost Odyssey but keep posting in still looking to build my collection.
I'm looking to buy a JRPG but not sure which one. Please give me ideas and prices. BTW i have already played FF13-2 and i don't like it some please don't post that. Thanks for reading!
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