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WookieeJAH Blog

There's a new Civic out...I get it already!

I was browsing the Battlefield two forums, when I noticed that everytime I clicked on a thread, the ad about the new Civic comes up.  It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. I get the point, but I'm perfectly fine with my new Ford Focus (Japanese cars are overrated).   I can close it, but I have to do it every time. The ad is also one of the kind that a normal popup blocker doesn't kill.  I don't mind banner ads, unless they are the really annoying flashy kind that are hard to ignore when I am trying to read something.  The problem is that the repetitive ads such as the Civic one seem like they are designed to punish users who do not have Gamespot complete.

Doom the Movie

I saw Doom Monday night, I didn't exactly go into the theater with high expecatations as movies based on games usually suck. I had to see it anyway, because I think I was in 8th grade when I first heard they were going to make a Doom movie, and I have been waiting since then.

The movie had some cool parts to it, but it also had some really stupid parts, so it really balances out and makes the movie okay.  It wasn't really true to the game though, but that won't hurt the game franchise.

Back to the N64

Last night I played the good old Goldeneye splitscreen, it's still a grat game. Today is my birthday, I didn't get anygames but I still used the occasion as an excuse to buy a new game. I went to game Game Crazy a little earlier today. I was really there to buy Rainbow Six Lockdown, but I decided to check the N64 games while I was there. Along with R6L I also bought Doom 64 and Duke Nukem 64, both of which I have never played but I will soon.

I of course just added all three of these games to my collection list here at Gamespot. When doing so I saw the release date for Doom 64. It was March 97. I was in 8th grade. It seems seems like a long time ago.

A Journal Spawned out of Boredom.

Today I was bored, and decided to start a Gamespot account. What I didn't know is that I already had an account through CNET. Not only that, the Gamespot and Gamefaqs accounts one in the same. I also discovered that the individual game forums for Gamspot were the same as the Gamefaqs one when I saw that a topic I just posted in the DF Black Hawk Down forum in Gamfaqs was also a topic here at Gamespot.

I kind of wanted to write a user review for DF:BHD, but I cant because I'm only at level one. With all due respect to the Gamepot staff, it does suck that I can't write reviews unless I pay for it, or wait a while (not sure how you advance levels yet). BHD has to be the most underrated game of the year, and I would like to give it the credit it deserves.