If you check my collection, you'll see that I bought Earthbound. I really like this game, because, though it is not an amazing RPG, it has such a unique style and feel to it that it really deserves to be known as a classic (yes, it cost me $55, but it's not getting any cheaper, and nobody better say anything about the virtual console, because I want the actual cart).
Speaking of classics, I've been playing Goldeneye quite a bit lately, and this may sound ovious, but that game is really, really good.Even playing the single player mode in the post-Halo world is a lot of fun. Granted, it does feel like you are shooting the entire Russian population at some points, and the AI isn't much smarter than your average telephone pole, but the game is still heavily atmospheric and fun to play. The multiplayer is as fun as you remember it being, as long as you don't take it too seriously. Also, I found out that you can change the controls to the superior Turok settings where the c-buttons move and you aim with the stick. If you haven't played it in a while (or have never played it), Goldeneye is worth tracking down and popping into the N64. You could watch the video in the previous post to get you in the Bond mood. Stay tuned for this weekend as I will post a video of what I believe is the highest point in video game history. (it involves pirates)
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