The gaming community is a fiesty crew, filled with firebrands and people who are aggressively passionite about the games that they love. Let's take a look at Fable for example, if we go into the reader review section and take a look at our good friend Mr. Pie Chart, we see that nearly 15% of people who rated Fable have rated it as "perfect". Now, this post is not to make remarks about Fable having quality and workmanship comprable to that of your average big mac, nor is it a blog post where I will call thos people giant morans with big bags of pus for brains. I will not do that, it would be immature and unrelated to the real purpose of this blog.
What I wan't to discuss is, what really makes a game perfect. I would be led to think that perfection would mean that a game has no noticeable flaws and is as good as it possibly good be within the constraints of its system. However, I don't think that is the definition that many of us have taken to heart, many of us like to believe that any game which provides a truly amazing experience for yourself personally and seems much better than other games is perfect.
Well, a word only means what you make it mean. If a game is your favorite game of all time does that make it perfect? The Legend of Zelda OOT or Super Mario Bros are games that I would consider to be perfect but I don't like them nearly as much as Battletoads (a game with at least double digit quanities of problems). So, I am pulling a Yuna and summoning my friends, come on guys, we are tracking each other's blogs for a reason. I am invoking you to tell me what qualifies a game as perfect and if perfection in a game varys per person or if some games simply are, and nearly every othe game is not
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