At this point, we've all been playing pokemon games for so long thatwe just take the implicit weird premise of the game for granted. But hey, sincewe have nothing else to do, we might as well have a little discussion.
1. This one is the most obvious, here's a game with the premise that you need to love and care for your pokemon. However, you store them in tiny little balls on your belt, in computer systems and you make them fight each other until they faint. Love and care indeed.
2. What the heck is wrong with the other trainers in this game? You will be walking along, minding your own buisness and a youngster will see you from far away. Everybody stops. He casually walks up to you from far away and tells you how nice and comfy his shorts are. With no further words spoken,it is time for a pokemon battle. How the talk of comfy shorts leads to a battle, I will never know.
3. I cannot think of a sadder more depressing existence than your character growing up in Pallet town. There are 3 buildings in the entire town. Your house has two rooms, your room upstairs where you sleep and the kitchen (where I'm assuming your mom sleeps).
And then there is your rival's house, your rival, the only kid your age in town whoseems to exist for no other reason thento belittle your sense of self worth and trying to turn his hot sister agaisnt you. Perhaps most depressing of all, we learn that its too dangerous for your character to even set foot an inch out of town because dangerous pokemon live in the tall grass. So, your character has spent their whole life in this tiny town, spending their time playing NES or getting taunted by their rival. Perhaps your mother has never even left the town either, as evidenced by the only thing she says to you before you leave home, a line with as much inherent characterization as any line by Shakespeare: "All Girls Leave Home Someday. It Said So On TV."
Do you have any bizzare or sad realizations into the world of Pokemon?