Not sure if this has been posted but if you do all 3 it goes on your 100% achevement list.
WretchedSpecter's forum posts
When was the last time you guys liked a new game? All i see is hate for every new game, it's getting old.
I was looking forward to this game and still am. if you don't the demo thats fine but stop being a buzzkill.
Mag was a mix of Cod and BFBC2 and imo it sucked. I hope this isn't just a 360 Mag ripoff with an apoclyptic twist.
[QUOTE="WretchedSpecter"]I read the Homefront's SP is only 5 hours, so no. Besides how can you say that about a game that hasn't even come out yet. Thanks for all your replies. One issue is that I know for a fact none of my friends play BC2, so I'd be playing with randoms. I do agree that in many of the "tactical" modes in Black Ops there is not much teamwork. There are always a couple of people who take advantage of the fact that many people are trying to get objectives, and use this to increase their KD by killing them and not going for objectives themselves. I personally like teamwork via headset, and if for example I am planting a bomb I will tell my teammates so that hopefully they will be smart enough to come cover me (raraely works). I worry that because none of my friends play I will be stuck with randoms, but I might give this game a shot anyway. Even when I am in a party on black ops, there isn't much communication necessary. It's more a matter of "okay I'll guard 'A' you guys go cap 'C'!" Nothing super complicated. Because Black Ops is boring and no one plays BFBC2 anymore.Pass on both and get Homefront.
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