The watcher evidently resigned from a union of which he was a founding member...because the leader of that union had the temerity to say this to me:
I would like to officially apologize as the leader of the BBU for what happened in my union. I am sorry that mrcong and blackregiment went so far. Attacking you or the catholic faith was never my intention.
The watcher's reason for resignation?
I resigned over a comment that the leader of the Bible Believers Union made on the Christian Union regarding myself and mrcong, apologizing for the way we defended the true Gospel against a certain Roman Catholic poster that was spreading a faith plus works doctrine.
I'm reminded of something the watcher asked me when first we...engaged. He asked if I was a Jesuit, perhaps seeking to imply that I was part of an arm of the Church that sought to stamp out Protestantism and its various offshoots. I'm not a Jesuit, and quite frankly I think the Jesuits themselves have abandoned their founding mission, but the question was still interesting.
At the time, my reply was basically just "no." In looking at this latest drama, I'm tempted to say that my reply should have been more along the lines of "no...but really, why would the modern Church need to waste money doing to Protestants and non-denominationals what Protestants and non-denominationals often are willing to do to themselves for free?" There's a certain inherent fickleness in quitting a union that you yourself helped to start simply because the leader had the temerity to disagree with you about something.
(Especially since the watcher's reason is actually false; being Catholic, I don't advocate a "faith + works" doctrine...I advocate a doctrine of salvation solely through the grace of God. The reader is welcome to read the post that caused so much contention between myself and the watcher -- I have cross-posted it to my website and main blog.)
In the end, I think another GS user very succinctly captured the watcher's key problem:
He strikes me as someone who looks for things to be offended by or disagree with. He's already left two different Christian forums and is on to a third. I think Christians should be un-offendable. Life's too short to take offense with every little thing. Instead, we should focus on love covering over a multitude of sins. If he can't even work out his differences with fellow believers then I fear he's going to live the rest of his life lonely, but at least he'll always right.
I admit a certain sadness in seeing the watcher depart a union he helped form; his Pharasaic distaste for associating with those who might somehow be "less" Christian than he is gives a great disservice to the Lord.