I was tired beyond all imagining when I first thought this up, and so I couldn't think up a catchier name than that for it, but I've begun to suspect that a new corrolary to Godwin's law needs to be postulated. I base this suspicion on my recent debate with an atheistic commentator at my blog Robert.
And since, then, I've decided on a name: Hynek's Law.
As an online discussion about religion in which a Catholic is a participant grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving priests and paedophilia approaches one.
Apologies to any Catholic pundits who may have already coined this one. I imagine someone out there already has, because this sort of schtick is pretty common stuff to hear from atheists when they're talking to Catholics. I'll only make this tangential remark concerning what that suggests about the staleness of anything they have to say.
The same could be said for rabid fundamentalists, I observe.