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Know what I don't get?

Over on the False Witness Union, they're having a go at GS user Theokhoth because of his homosexualty. The usual suspects are issuing the usual denunciations. Here's two choice examples:

I could care less what the guy does in his personal life, that is between him and the Lord, but for a professing Christian to start a thread like this is not good Christian testimony to those that do not know Christ. I would not describe it as being salt and light to a lost world. Did you also see who was in there defending this train of thought, "Where's The Fruit D?"?

Once again, I seem to be worth a mention, despite the fact that homosexuality and I are mutually exclusive topics. It is true that I came to Theo's defence in a thread in OT, and for good reason -- a fellow Christian was being set upon by several socially autistic evangelical atheists.

And why was this happening to him, in a thread where he only wanted advice on asking someone out (yes, another man, but bear with me...there's a point to this)?

Because he wanted a celibate relationship.

Christians attack Theo because he's gay -- one CWU member, in particular, said some rather hateful things indeed. Atheists attacked him, it seems, not because they had a problem with him being gay but because they had a problem with the idea that he intends to live out his life in a manner which is, for someone who is homosexual, consistent with the teachings of the Bible.

Theo believes that marriage is meant for one man and one woman, and he likewise believes that sexuality is morally impermissible outside the context of a valid marriage. To that end, he wants a relationship in which he and his partner remain celibate, and in which they express their love for each other through other means of a non-sexual nature.

This is wholly consistent with the Biblical message, especially 1 Corinthians 7.

And it's astoundingly good Christian testimony, moreover. Look, let it be said here and now: I think homosexual sex acts* are immoral, in exactly the same way I think that any sexual act performed outside the context of a valid marriage is immoral, and in the same way that I think any sexual act performed while using birth control is immoral (regardless of whether or not the couple is married). And I think any Christian -- gay or straight -- who chooses to make a conscious, solid point to abstain from sexual activity for as long he or she is not married to a person of the opposite sex is someone who has made a laudable decision indeed.

* Moreover, if there is one area in which Christians must be very careful to distinguish sinner from sin, it is this. Don't mistake my meaning: I repeat myself when I say that I think that homosexual sex acts are sinful. But being homosexual is not a function of who a person is sleeping with, and the state of being is not itself sinful. That's Biblically defensible as well; from Leviticus to Romans, what is condemned is always the act, not the state of being.

Theo wants to remain celibate; he chooses not to be mastered by his desires, but to master them in turn...and then out of his devotion to the Lord and His teachings! That is powerful Christian witness, and is why the hard-bitten atheists of the OT forums turned on him so viciously. It is unseemly and unbecoming that Christians would attempt to devour him in like manner.

I really dont get why people actually try to push gay habits, and they will say "whats wrong with me holding hands with another guy?" Well that is not the problem, the problem is this....

The genitalia was not made for you to put it in someone elses gluteous maximus..... Seriously

The thing is it causes other people to become homosexual, homosexuals dont ever decrease in number, more so they always have a tendacy to grow in numbers.

I don't pretend to have a full understanding of homosexuality or the reasons it expresses in some people. In a certain sense, I don't care; as a Christian, I believe that who we are is first and foremost a function of the choices we make, and especially how we choose to respond to the temptations we face. That's as true for me, regarding my natural attraction toward women, as it is for Theo regarding his attraction toward men. And in both our cases, there's a range of possible responses to each instance of attraction: some are sinful, some aren't. We choose.

I do know ignorance when I see it, though. And while I agree that the anus was not intended to be an entryway for the penis I must again point out that Theo's whole point, his main intention, has been to find a partner with whom he can remain celibate! Theo isn't advocating for his right to engage in anal sex; he's insisting on abstinence!

Christians are supposed to be wise! How is it that nobody seems to have noticed this? Why is it that the moment someone says gay all some Christians can think of is the worst excesses of pride parades and bathhouses?

It's almost enough to drive one batty. Almost. Fortunately, for both myself (who always seems to get mentioned in these things; the children must be worried) and for Theo, there is at least one other option presented to us on GS. But one does so hate to call in the moderators, and prefers it only as a last resort.