In the "Christian" Witness union, yet another anti-Catholic thread has been started. And the lies. Oh, the lies! Catholics started the World Wars! Jesuits started the American Civil War! Eucharist is a wafer god and a false idol!
And this from someone who is supposedly college-educated. One would hope that with higher education comes the ability to do at least a modicum of critical thinking and analysis of evidence, but apparently this is not always the case. And I'm not of a mind to even start on how disgraceful it is that such a body of lies is being propagated in a forum supposedly dedicated to Christian witness.
The kicker? The initial poster cites Jack Chick as a credible source, on the basis that Chick uses Bible quotes in his workand delivers a consistent message.
Know what else uses Bible quotes in its body of work and delievers a consistent message? The Catholic Catechism.
Oops! Someone needs to refine his criteria!