Sometimes, it's kind of shocking.
He is a fanatical catholic, he really works for the devil, it doesnt matter what you say to him, he will deny scripture up, and down, and will twist the words of god for his personal intrepertation, like the last supper. He didnt mean literally every sunday do this ritual in rememberance of me. To be honest it looks like it, but he later affirms that he didnt mean it literally.
This is a Christian who is speaking, mind. Which, I think, makes it even sadder.
What are we seeing here? First, we are seeing hatred (c.f. 1 John 5), a deep and black hatred which has been allowed to infest a heart. Secondly, we are seeing false witness, a most wicked lie -- Jesus simply does not deny the reality of the Eucharist, and St. Paul later affirms its reality (1 Cor 12).
I've written on this topic before. Twice.
This is the brutal reality of sin: it twists the mind and the heart in such ways as to fool Christians into thinking they are serving God when in fact they are contravening, in obvious and terrible ways, His most holy Scriptures.