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Warning: To All Who Want To know more about things that are interesting n cool

I am educated and fun know did you know that their are countless ways the world can end but 3most belivable ones are the apocalyps, The Big Freeze in whitch all of the galaxy's (not universes) suns go out all at the same time and without suns in the universe we have no heat energy so we would all freeze instantly crack and die all in 10sec within the 10 seconds we will experience egnourmouse heat from all the stars breaking apart, and another disaster The Big Crush were as we all know our universe keeps on expanding but we dont know how big it is but that there is much darkness beakest the speed of light can't catch up to fill the awesome and speed of the universe expanding, so when the light bounces (witch is a theory may not never happen) all the galaxies will be squished all together for a second then it will go back to normal BUT!!!!! then the Milky way galaxy would bounce back and go far really far from other galaxies we would be the only galaxy in a new universe since the all of existance is like a bunch of bubbles floating and like all bubbles everything must come to an end and so cause of the huge bounce back we would be in a new universe with our suns slowly dying out (by the way this WILL happan in like 2bill yrs so we would have awesome technology sopposivly if the apacalypes witch is said to come soon by 2012 will end us all) humans owould build a city around a dwarve star (because big stars blow up faster) until we open a warm hole to another universe( scientists today know much about the warm hole even tho it dousn't exist today like no telling what universe your going to land in and where like inside a star or something) so this is risky BUT NOTHING LAST FOREVER EVEN THE HAND OF GOD THAT CONTROLS EVRERYTHING MUST COME TO AN END AND ANOTHER TRUE POWER SHALL TAKE ITS PLACE.(Meaning a new god or science will take the place and rule the universe). So to everyone how knows so little here is a powerful saying (WHEN GOD MADE US HE GAVE US A POWER AS WELL A POWER EXACTLY LIKE HIS MAYBE JUST AS POWER BUT TAKES VERY LONG TO HARNEST ITS TRUE POWER TO REALLY DO MIRICLES WITH IT THE POWER HE GAVE US........ WAS SCIENCE. He is testing us to reach human abilities. Also im alot of fun games shooting live life to the fullest. O and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uONnbrD59Lo&feature=PlayList&p=8090567365E84A8F&index=0&playnext=1 not me just a video i found(WATCH THE WHOLE THING ITS FUNNY ESPEICIALLY THE ENDING)