X-Jen / Member

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X-Jen Blog

New Things?

I've been seeing some really cool sigs around. What are some of the new things you guys are useing and send me some tuts so i can try them out.


Check These Out!!!!

So i have been working on banners,sigs,avd.,rain-on-sigs, ect. while i dont have internet no more and i want you guys to tell me how did i do? I did them myself so tell me what i should do better and what i shouldnt do.


killzonesig.pngMy Killer Killzone Sig.

Sig I Made Without rain.

hitmanrainsig.gifWith rain.


creedsig.png Creedsig.

turtlesig.pngAww!! Aint he soo cute!!!

Soo tell me how i did!!! Love you guys!!!

No Internet

Sry guys i dont have internet anymore. Im trying to get it back but it looks like it might not work. Leave me Msg ok?


Im Back!(Hate Hurricanes)

I'm back for my trip.I love and hate hurricanes. I hate them cause my dad thinks there going to kill us or something, and i miss like to days of school(yes!!) but know i have alot of make up work to do. ..Hmmm I should make a new banner but idk.. Im acting lazy again so idk. You guys can add me on MSN if u want just ask whos on.


Anyone Out There!!!

So I going to start to make sigs and banners. If anybody has and good tips or what I should get, plz inform me :D!!