There is nothing star wars about this game other than the graphics.. Star Wars is an adventure, and this game is a scripted piece of garbage. What makes this game better than any other 3rd party Multiplayer FPS on Steam?
At least throw some taun tuans in there.. Make it a reward of good playing that you get a hero, or let people who are "GOOD" at being pilots get the ships..
Random Mario coin crap doesn't belong in this game.
I am a huge star wars fan and this game was so borring that the "Star Wars Grahpics" couldn't even keep me interested in any mode.
The most fun I had in any Star Wars FPS was the Mod for BF2, I think it was "Galactic Conquest".. That game felt more star wars than anything before it. If they just took that Mod and made it into a 2015 next game game, all would balanced in the Force.
Johnny, say it ain't so!!! You can't cancel Feedbackula!!! It's the on thing I look forward to here on gamespot.. FOR REAL! You have been a great host and I've gotten many laughs from your show.. It was such a much needed platform for all the gaming based trolling.
Thank for all the work you and your staff have put into the show and I'll be sad if it really goes away.
Sorry if I'm being too nice, but that's the funniest F%cking thing I've seen in a long time!! I was so LOLing, loved the song and you hit all the right points!
@parhar67 Me and the 1000's of other people that take the time to talk about is just to piss people like you off who can't handle the truth! LOL Obviously you have nothing good to say about the XBone either!!!!
You know, honestly the sad truth is, that if Microsoft never scared gamers away with their extremely negative E3 conference, these numbers just might be reversed.
XBones' comments