Fact of the matter is that yes the 360 has better graphics hands down as it is shown here.Now like ty_elders said if i did have to pick a system i would pick the ps3 because its not going to get red rings on you or die out,but the ps3 games as of right now are lacking big time,i have a ps3 and own 10 ps2 games and 2 ps3 games and hoping that in the future that can all change if Sony gets to work!
LOL man bad news for sony there exclusive games are now slowy coming to the xbox360 thats what happends when u take to long to make a ''great system'' any ways iam not hateing on the ps3 its just that the games suck right now and the good ones that were so called exclusive are now coming to my sweet xbox360 =D Also to pbcnoob if it was lagin when u played online games that means u have slow internet because there severs are great and try to give u best online game play its not there flat that ur lagin i have super high speed internet and i have never seen lag so far! To:anuj411 yea u dont have to pay for online for sony and there for when u play there online u get MASS LAG because there severs are shiit i should know i played socom for 2 years and its been noting but lag even with my high speed internet they still lag me!
Lol man i cant belive that ppl are still talking shiit about the ps2,ps3,360 i dont know whats been going cuz i havent posted here in forever but i read a few post and ppl are still talking trash the ps3 is great is but right now its not doing very good game wise there is only one good game and its RFOM dont get me wrong i am sony fan but 3 weeks ago i got my 360 and its great.I still cant wait tell the ps3 comes out with all its great games so then i can get one the games that are coming out for it are going to be the best games of 2007 so lets all wait and see my friends tell now there still great systems out there to play!
So..iam back after 4days of none stop gears of war crazyst shoting game i have ever played the online is awsome to.any ways hows that ps3 going ppl update me on it games,hardwear,bugs...etc
rugripper...dude did u hear about that 360 game that u make ur game and if it good u can sell it to capcom and stuff like that amma try and make a good game and get rich maybe but yea. yea the ps3 is really good but like u said in a year its really gona be better but i guess amma wait that year tell then the 360 is gona keep in my house all day long =]
wow i just found out that call of duty 3 for the xbox360 has better graphfix then the ps3 call of duty 3???? i thogut it was the other way around hmmmmmm makes me think even more how good is the ps3?
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