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XMeSsInX Blog

A New, Quality Era

Woah I've really let my account slip oh well I remembered good old GameSpot and have recently uploaded a new YouTube Video woo! It's mostly a quality test but it looks like a step forward so hurrah! It can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq2AjxTsWMwOf course nobody is probably ever going to read this but still good to get the thoughts out eh? :)

Time Flies

Ok I haven't been online for a while but thats ok because I'm in a creative mood once again! :D Messing mostly on the old GTA IV (Xbox Live Parties sort of destroyed multiplayer) but I'm messing so what the hey.

Oh, Come On!

I'm getting seriously annoyed now. I've lost my tagging emblem today and I don't know why I have over 200 tags now so I should have got an even better 1 today but instead it's strangely vanished from my profile. :evil: Give it back GameSpot!

EDIT: Thanks for it back GameSpot :D


Today's gone fast and I haven't done too much. Today I decided to mess around a bit on GIMP and make an animation. Only a short 1 though! Played a bit of Halo 3 and got my Team Swat skill up to 20. Told you I haven't done too much because that's it! :D If anyone wants to ask me anything about GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) Please ask and I'll do my best to help :)

I Might Aswell Do It Today

Today I have decided to do the meta game achievements in each level of Halo 3 they seem easy enough as I've already got up to the Ark now. I'm just wondering how long it'll take to get the other online achievements 'cause they're quite hard. Like to see the look on a face of 1 of my friends when I tell him that I've done them because he was really wanting me to do the campaign on legendary with him again. It's goin' to be intersting! :P Better get back to my game now and if anyone is actually reading this thanks and cya!

EDIT: Got them all today! Easy as pie :)

Slow Day 2Day

Shame really today I haven't done much. No youtube vids, no interesting confrontations. I did however get the chance to play some team snipers on halo using my PC screen instead of my tv but I apparently am use to colour :) So end result try to only play on pc screen in gaming emergencies :o and when editing. Suprised I got 34% on level 3 today on GameSpot when I hardly did anything at all yesterday! :P

Yay! Level 3 Milestone!

Today I got to level 3 ranking on gamespot after 4 days of trying to be as involved as possible. :D Haven't told MS about the hacker yet but when I can be bothered I will. Friend was able to become a Gold member once again yesterday so Call Of Duty 4 was pulled out of the pile. Also Halo 3 yesterday was cool especially because I was the host so when FCFSoccerstar (The high pitched annoyance from the other day) came in he went straight out again :)

Had to be one of the wierdest dreams last night. I was on Valhalla hitting a red Masterchief. LOL$ 1 very sad dream!

What Happens Over Xbox Live

I've been lucky since today, 2 annoying high pitched kids have been screaming abuse down the mic. Wow original (!) 1 from the UK trying to order people around and shouting when he didn't get his own way and an american. Now don't get me wrong I haven't got anything against americans I even have a friends list with loads in on Xbox Live but this one was a booster yes that's right Halo 3 double Exp weekend came round and it was zombies. The little cheat was getting his friend to help him get the achievements and when I said for him to stop shouting about kill stealing he uses the British card. I feel sorry for Americans I honestly do you've got little ***** giving you're country a bad reputation. That's a big problem on xbox live people thinking that because nobody knows about them they can act "hard" Can you guess what I did when the match ended... I Laughed. He had made a fool of himself swearing an the sort down the mic and then I found out he was 15. You may be wondering why that's sooo funny well if you've ever seen the film Alvin and the Chipmunks then the image in my head was in close comparison. Everybody I talk to on Xbox Live is dumbfounded by my real age as they're ALWAYS under the impression I am about 10 years older. But in complete honesty the American accent fused with a high pitched voice and bad grammar really made me think he was 6-10. Call Of Duty ahh felt good to type that. I didn't know the game Border Control until yesterday and I found it quite amusing but I also hadn't heard of UFO mode either. This depressed me, a boy joined who seemed good to me on first impression but then he used his mod and I hated him instantly. In my opinion his xbox should be banned and suffer. Later on today as I can't say tommorrow because of how late it is, I will get his gamertag and send emails to Xbox.com, file complaints, reviews, forums whoever'll listen. I want him gone, modding games to be higher rank, achievements or to show off is just not acceptable. 1 of the things I was finding even worse about it was he was offering to do the same to others hard drive at a cost. Ruining 1 game isn't fun but ruining xbox live forever is a waste completely. SilkySibbo92 is his gamertag and he is going to pay.

Wonder What To Do Next.

At the moment I've taken to recording my xbox gameplay for YouTube and I'm not quite sure what to film next. Unfortunately because my capture card is cheap (aww) I can only record 60hz games in black and white :( My main recording games are GTA IV (Colour) and Halo 3 (B+W)