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Hi Gamespot! Im back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, It's been nearly 2 months since I was on this site. Man, Im glad to be back. Anyways, lets get to the point.

For the past 2 months, theres been good and bad things (Mostly).like Mitu123's brother (Not the real Mitu, which he's awesome) hate me for saying bad stuff, like racism on Halo, and other crap, which wasn't my fault for my anger. Which hopefully in the future Mitu123 (his brother), you will forgive me and if you do, just talk to me and we could work things out, but that's not going to happen for a long time until he forgives me. And Mitu123 (the real Mitu), if your brother ever forgives me (which won't be for a long time), then tell him to talk to me and we could work things out (which he won't do it), but If he does, Im always here so It doesn't matter if he's a stinking prick or what, Im always here. :)

I got 2 new games for Christmas, Modern Warfare 2, and Smackdown vs Raw 2010. Modern Warfare 2 is an awesome game, but it has a few BS things in the game. The Single Player was pretty darn good. It was full of action and intense moments that It was awesome. Spec Ops is alright. The Multiplayer is pretty darn fun, but thanks to the Campers in the game, the game got kinda repetitive that the Multiplayer is not that fun anymore. It's still fun, but the Campers in the game pretty much Ruin the gamefor me. But that doesn't make me stop playing it so whatever. The game is good, but as I said earlier, the game has some BS stuff in the game. As for Smackdown vs Raw 2010, this game is f'ing awesome. It's one of the funnest games I ever played. You get to create Storylines, creat finishers off the top rope, create designs for your CAW (Create a Wrestler), new moveset, awesome Road to Wrestlemania's, great Roster, edit your favorite wrestler's attire (Just the colors though),download peoples Storys, finishers, and CAW's on Xbox live! That'sawesome,and the most of all, great Replay Value. As for the online, playing with Randoms still since they still cheat in the game, but playing with friends is a lot of fun that it doesn't get old when you play with them, and of course, family members to. If your brother ever Forgives me pretty soon Mitu123, me and him could play some SVR 2010's online together someday, and that would be awesome, but It's not going to happen awhile so whatever.

Hey guys, I got to go right now so I'll talk to you later guys and Happy New Years to all my friends, and family members. Bye.