Uh, yup. It's mother's day. I love my mom. She'd be willing to sacrifice anything for the wellbeing of my sister and I. We're taking her to Asian Buffet tonight. It'll be fun.
I spent the morning today watching some IIHF hockey. I got to see Canada come back from 3-0 against the Czechs. Go Canada! I'm Canadian. >_>
I also watched the season finale of the office for the 10th time on my iPod. I can't get over how awesome it was. Jim telling Pam he loved her, that was a surprise, Jan led us to believe Jim was going to tell Pam he was transferring. But he went out and said it. Then Pam rejected it. Said he misinterpreted it all. That was surprising, and sad. But the episode ended great and on a cliffhanger. Best TV show ever.
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