Today I've finally decided to update my profile every once in a while, and write a blog. But only a blog when I have really something to report. And boy, there sure is much stuff going on in gaming land these coming months. Let me shed a light on all this gaming-madness.
Starting with Battlefield 3, releasing this week all over the world. A hype, a trending topic as Twitter fanatics would like to call it, there's simply no denying that the game will hit the top 5 this Christmas. Well deserved too, if you would ask me. The updated game engine Frost Bite amazes even the most critical PC gamer. While the Beta showed some minor flaws along the way, the final version has already proven to be much better. The game features a compelling campaign, but the hardcore gamer would just skip the whole Singleplayer part and move onto the part he's been waiting the entire year for: Mutliplayer. With up to 64 players on PC, this multiplayer features large scale battles on the ground as well as high up in the sky. Like EA stated, ''you don't get to call the air strike, you ARE the air strike. Gameplay has improved since Battlefield 2, and fans as well as newcomers to the game enjoy it. This is bound to be a Christmas hit and possible game of the year.
That said, there's the competition. Activision hasn't been sitting on their butts this year, instead continuing on the biggest shooter series in the world. That's right, what else can it be other than CoD Modern Warfare 3. With a story line that begins where its predecessor directly left off, players get to crawl into the skin of the familiar characters of the most popular shooter series. Not to mention the multiplayer, where millions of people will frag, steal flags, hold strategic points and dominate certain areas. A golden choice already, continuing the success of MW2.
The problem is really, that there's way too many games coming out! Of course you'll hear some sarcasm in the previous sentence, but there's some truth in it. With games like Battlefield 3, MW3, Batman Arkham City, NFL12, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Assassin's Creed Revelations and many more, you can easily get lost in the arena. And I'm not even talking about the games already released, such as Gears of War 3, Driver San Francisco, Fifa 12 and many other games!Maybe we should all stay home for Christmas, send a post card to your mother-in-law, and enjoy those block busters the entire holiday season!
Have a crazy gaming holiday season this year!
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