Fanboys are often referred to as "The scourge of the gaming community", and I'm not very surprised that they've earned that title, due to the huge amount of random, false information that they spread in order to support a company that doesn't care about them in a war that doesn't exist.
Here, I'm going to show the fanboys how dumb they truly are, and I'm not just limiting it to certain groups, I'm taking on all the major groups here.
**Warning: If you are a fanboy, or take offense to certain *appropriate* things, you may want to avoid reading this post**
By now, some of you may have noticed that I classified this post as "Religion", because, quite frankly, that's how serious these moronic fanboys are about this "console war".
It's like the freaking Crusades here, where you have to rally and support what you believe in, except, in this case, what you believe in is a company that views you as a statistic, and a cash cow, as opposed to a valued member of your religion.
People, learn the facts! No one cares about you or your fanboyish rants, all you are doing is taking up space on the forums, until your account is deleted, and people forget you faster than Americans forgot President Garfield.
So, from this point, I'll begin on my rant:
Xbox Fanboys:
My most beloved of all (/sarcasm off). When I see one of your random posts about OMG, you always get what you pay for, XBL is the best!!!!!" and the contradictory "OMG, you don't get what you pay for, PS3 is overpriced!!!!!!!!", it just makes my day (/sarcasm off).
What makes it even funnier is that you guys even think that Bill Gates, a man who gets money from about 2.5 Billion people worldwide, actually cares about you as a person. Truth is, the only people he cares about are his bank managers, his lawyers (to bribe off the courts, in order to prevent the monopoly from being broken up), and those 30,000 people in Africa who will get his money when he dies (thus, screwing up the world economy, and forcing developed nations into the lower-class).
"But.....but......but, he's a gamer just like me!!!!!!!!!" No, he isn't. There is about a $72 billion difference between you and him, and no matter what you do with your life, you'll always have less money than he does. Unless you manage to create a monopoly on transportation, which we all know you lack the mental capacity to do.
Seguing (it is more than 3 letters, see, you learn something every day!) onto another topic, Hypocrisy! No, it has nothing to do with the Hippos of Seregenti, or Crisco lards & butter, it means that you say and/or do something, and then say and/or do the complete opposite, when you feel threatened.
Oh, how I remember you guys screaming stuff like "The Japanese market doesn't matter!!!!!!!!" or "The more powerful the system, the better it is!!!!!!!"
Whatever happened to those? Now all I see is "Blue Dragon will win the Japanese market!!!!!!!" and "Power doesn't matter, it's the gameplay, and the online features that do!!!!!!!!!"
Seems like a generation change alters one's perception on what is important in the market.
Or what about "The price of the Xbox doesn't matter, people will buy 3 times as much Xboxes as there are PS2s sold!!!!!!!"
How did that turn into "OMG, Sony ripped off the consumers, no one will ever spend more money on a system!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
How about the more recent hypocrisy?
"Blu-Ray isn't needed at all, it's useless, no one will ever support it!!!!!!"
"Oh man, look at that HD-DVD player, that is definetly something that everyone will have within a year, Blu-Ray is going down!!!!!!!!!!!"
I could extending further by mentioning the fact that you all went crazy screaming that all add-ons for PS2 would fail, yet this HD-DVD add-on obviously won't. But, then again, if I did that, I'd get 100,000,000,000,000,000 posts in my blog saying "You suck Xanog, you biased f**k!!!!! Get the h**l pout of here, you deserve to die!!!!!!!!!!"
Heh, and yet they all claim that more games meant for mature audiences means less kiddie gamers.
Nintendo Fanboys:
You guys are always funny. You make Miyamoto look like Jesus, and he's carrying some random gimmick (which you praise) in the Arc of the Covenant, right next to the Ten Commandments.
Miyamoto, and all the other Nintendo fanboys, are nothing like Jesus, or any Holy Figure for that reason (unless you are the kind of person who is a corporate businessist). They don't know you, or care about you as an individual person. If Miyamoto saw you and some other person (who doesn't like Nintendo systems) in a burning building, and he could only save one of you (and you were further in) could you be certain that he's run past the other guy, and save you, just because you are loyal to Nintendo?
No, that would be stupid to believe.
Onto other topics:
"Innovation is the only good way to go, graphics suck!!!!!!!!"
Okay, you might have a slight point in that gameplay > graphics, but, innovation isn't the only good route to go. And, how long is something considered innovative, anyways?
I highly doubt that 5 years down the road (if Nintendo actually supports this console for longer than the 3.5 years that Gamecube was) you'll be claiming "OMG, motion-sensing is the most innovative thing ever, nothing is more innovative!!!!!!!"
As a matter of fact, come 2008, you'll probably have realised that the "innovation" wore off pretty quickly. Much like another recent Nintendo platform, which for some odd reason, despite its touch-control capabilities, seems to have 99% of the games utilizing the bottom screen as a map, with maybe the occasional button-promt where the game registers it wrong, and then you lose.
I'll be the first one to admit, the controller seems really appealling, but, I'm not expecting every game to be a fresh, new experience, as a matter of fact, past the first year, I'm not expecting many games to be fresh, and instead, they'll all be rip-offs of successful games, using the same exact control pattern.
Onto another subject called "stealing". You guys love this one, it seems to be the most commonly surfacing argument you guys have.
"OMG, Sony stole the analog stick!!!!!!!!" "OMG, Sony stole the motion-sensing!!!!!!!!!" "OMG, Sony stole the market share!!!!!!!"
Well, maybe you guys haven't said that last one, but, that last one is the only accurate one out of all three.
Sony, and the other companies did not "steal" these ideas. As a matter of fact, half of these ideas were mainstream in other industires, prior to Nintendo introducing them to the gaming market.
You don't see PDA manufacturers going around screaming "OMG, Nintendo stole touch-screens from us!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or that company that made the tilt-force2 screaming "OMG, Nintendo stole motion-sensing!!!!!!!!"
The market is based on "stealing" ideas and improving them. If no one "stole" ideas, the greatest technological achievement the human race would have, would be the wheel, and even then, it would be pretty unrefined and worthless.
Going to the 1780s, if the US didn't "steal" the Athenian form of Government, and "steal" the basic principles and rights of the people from John Locke and Baron Montesque, all people in the US would be living in Articles of Confederation land, where the state government could tax you all they wanted, and you would be charged heavily for out-of-state goods.
Computer Fanboys:
Well, I put you guys in the middle, because, well, you are the group that no one cares about anyways.
I like your arguements. It's always "Well, in 2-3 months, I'll be able to upgrade, and my PC will be much better than your console!!!!!" or "Keyboard & mouse are superior for all genres!!!!!!!"
Well, that's quite stupid on your part. You guys are "forced" to upgrade your PC every 2-3 months in order to play the latest games, whereas console gamers don't have to upgrade for 3-5 years, yet they still get plenty, if not more great games.
Constantly upgrading your PC every 2-3 months adds up to a lot of money spent just on what is just a gaming machine, and all that, because you just wanted something more powerful, in order to play one game and have to upgrade again.
Also, while keyboard & mouse allow for much more options in games, and thus, easier to control RTS and FPS games, the setup is not optimal for every genre. As a matter of fact, outside of the two I listed earlier, the only genre that keyboard & mouse really excels in over the console controllers is point & click puzzle games, and you guys hardly mention those (I mean, who would ever want to play a game that doesn't require you to spend $8,000 to play?)
Sony Fanboys:
You guys probably know me the most, since the Playstation system and game boards are the ones which I most commonly visit.
And, I';ve gotten to know some of you pretty well too! But, that doesn't excuse your blind ignorance in the face of anything.
First things first! Your system having the most sales two generations in a row doesn't mean that it is certain to have the most sales in its third generation.
It's been somewhat of a market trend, that after having the most sales for two generations, the console's throne is usupred by another. Although, nothing is certain to happen.
Secondly, sources that post something slightly negative about Sony aren't always biased! I've seen some of you guys bash websites and other news sources, and even developers like crazy, simply for stating something slightly negative, even if they have a habit of speaking positively about the Playstation brand.
Third, there is no reason to assume that you guys will get all the "best" games out there again. You can whine and cry all you want (and believe me, some of you do it alot), but, it is up to the developer to decide what platfom their games will be made for, not you.
I know I'll seriously get flamed for this one (since you guys seem to think that you are perfect and all) but I'd like to end off by pointing out stuff about those manticores or so called "Supporters of all consoles" out there.
Just because you own or will own all of the consoles and portables out there, and will build a gaming PC doesn't mean that you are a better person/gamer. I can't tell you guys this enough! Some people can' afford every single system, and others might not like certain games available for a certain platform. Yet, you guys call anyone who isn't exactly like you a "fanboy".
You guys seem to have forgotten the definition of a fanboy (not very surprising given how pig-headed you guys often are). A fanboy is someone who shows an unyielding devotion to a brand, and supports it based on name alone. Not someone who goes where their favorite series are (even though you all often think that those people are fanboys).
You aren't above any other gamers for buying all systems, and in many cases, prove yourselves to be more ignorant than most. You only concern yourselves with the "AAA" "high-quality" games, and ignore those that are underrated, or just plain fun, without being "up-to-date".
I put you guys in because you are fanboys, not to a specific company, but to some random belief that you are on a higher level than everyone else, just because you spend tons of money on everything.
In conclusion, gaming was started for the sole purpose of having fun, and I feel that in recent years, almost everyone has lost sight of that. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, who made what first, what someone else says, or how much money you spend on gaming, but what really matters is that you have fun, and enjoy what little time you have outside of work, school, etc.
From Pong and Pac-man, up to Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gears of War, the sole purpose of gaming was to let yo relax a little, get away from the harsh realities of lie, and become immersed in a different world where almost anything is possible, and only your mind (and sometimes your ability to deal with the difficulties) is the limitation to what is possible. (except in the cases of those broken games, like "Prince of Persia: Revelations")
So please, heed my words, stop with the fanboyish nonsense and just enjoy gaming for the simple fun that it was intended for, not this foolish non-existant "war" for a company that doesn't even know your name.