Xbol-Lox / Member

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October 27th

To make up for the fact that Gran Turismo got delayed again I bought Move today… well my Mum did obviously, it would takes me months to save up enough from my paper round before I could buy it myself.

I really harped on about the way we'd all be able to play it and Mum says she'll have another go just as soon as the black eye heals up from where I accidentally smashed her in the face when we tried it out… and the dentist says he'll be able to put a crown on her tooth once the swelling goes down.

My sister loves it… well she says she does, she only ever seems to use it when we're out the house and she's all alone… just as well really as her controller is starting to smell a bit fishy.

We tried to get Dad involved but he just told me to "Grow up… you pathetic little bastard" and went back to reading his paper.

It doesn't matter that the games are pants, even the totally original, never been seen before, Wii-Sports clone… playing together is just great fun… I bet… if only I can get the rest of the family to believe me.

My brother said we should get Kinect instead, but I just laughed in his face and shouted "why would anyone want to jump around waving their arms like an idiot with that thing?" and then he punched me in face and told me to sod off.

Move is going to be great fun… and as soon as the bandages are removed and the patch comes off my eye I'll be right there again playing "Totally not a Wii-Sports rip-off."