If this is the case, might this mean that William also has to die, to ascend? The 13th Chapter of Revelation relates to the Masonic Killing of the King Ritual known as "King Kill 33," the Satanic sacrifice and ceremony mocking the Death of Christ at age 33. Revelation 13:3 explains that the Antichrist will suffer a deadly mortal wound to the head, yet miraculously recover, even "resurrect" by the spirit of Satan while the entire world marvels at the event. Thus any time the Royal Family and specifically William can be widely broadcast on television, only suits the purposes of Satan and his men which oversee his path toward global ascension. Interestingly, the Stadium used for the Games strikes me as representing the Arthurian Round Table itself, perhaps this and other Arthurian subliminals (such as video montage and/or music choice, e.g., Burana's O Fortuna) will be reflected in the Opening Ceremony in some way. The fact that Britain is turning increasingly into a Orwellian police-state, with the games only further expediting the level of monitoring and secret control over the masses, any kind of major "terror attack" would only provide the British Government, as well as its future King, an even greater amount of policing power at their [and his later] sole disposal. Add to all this, modern-day Jews actively debating current 'Messianic signs' heralding the arrival of their long-awaited King of Zion, many of which expect to see their Messiah somehow revealed in the year 2012, according to new interpretations of their holy book known as The Zohar, and we have the necessary ingredients for a perfect storm, one that will carry the rest of the hurting world into the equally ill-fated year of 2015, as a sign of things to come. In a destabilized, lawless, dark world that has just witnessed a great war and destruction [by way of a comet?] an even worse time is coming. Man shall turn to his base nature for a time as the world at large becomes barbaric and ruled by ruthless gangs and marauding individuals. Man will only live as long as he is able to survive. In time, as people get used to the new Godless world they've been forced to endure, mankind will make attempts at civil rule and law again. Enter Antichrist.
XboxG2k's forum posts
Before the opening of the Olympics comes the Torch Relay ceremony in which runners are depicted as the Bringer of Light, e.g., Prometheus, the "one who stole fire (Knowledge of Good and Evil) from Heaven" and gave it to man, whose myth is certainly built around Lucifer himself, the so-called "Bringer of Light" who has since become the standard bearer, literally, of the ancient Greek Olympics themselves, to the present day. Look for this Torch Relay to occur on May 18th (6+6+6=18) 2012, as runners run through key British towns around the nation toward London, July 27th. Once the 'Torch Bearer' lights the fire which officially begins the Games, the Opening Ceremony begins, which also depicts some kind of Satanic reference and or message from those who control such events, want to get across, subliminally. For example, in the games from 2008, a clear representation of the Tower of Babylon was burnt, depicting the dying of the old world Order and the beginning of the New Order. Specifically, the 2008 ceremony was in keeping with the Bible prophecy in Revelation 18:16 where the Beast, who with his Ten Kings, shall "hate the Whore [of Babylon], and burn her with fire." We should expect no less a ceremony in 2012, especially, in London, home territory of the Freemason and the Antichrist King himself, and on the date which is well-known to be the "unluckiest date in the entire ancient Jewish calendar." Since Prince William will so obviously be touted as being the New King Arthur, as well as the next "King of Zion" who destroys the Third Temple, expect many strange Occult signs and symbols to be subtly, or not so subtly, displayed nearby for all of the world to see. Again, since Christ was baptized as the King of Zion upon his 30th year of life, might therefore Prince William Arthur also be "baptized," and thus granted his own life's calling, in the form of his being anointed and finally coronated as the King of England, a fate that sets him squarely on his own 3 1/2 year path toward his fate as the Abomination of Desolation, the conquering King over Zion? More than ever before, it does seem to be a distinct possibility, which helps explain why such importance is really placed on the year 2012. If Prince William is not in fact coronated King in 2012, I would say he will certainly be King by 2015, when he turns 33, the same age Christ was at His crucifixion and death and Ascension to the Throne of Heaven, whose counterfeit here on earth is the Throne of England, the False Zion that has always been promoted by the "Holy Grail" lineage and its perditious Masonic/Templar supporters through the ages.
For the date of July 27th of 2012 happens to fall on absolutely the most infamous and ill-fated date within all the Jewish calendar, called Tisha B?Av (the Ninth of Av). This is the same ancient date that saw both destructions of the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem, albeit some 600 years apart. The Occult message being sent to the world, therefore, is that British Royalty, and specifically Prince William, is the 30-year old, anointed, "King of Zion" and that ultimately, he shall bring about the next destruction of the Jewish (Third) Temple, as that British "Zionist" King. That said, one could only imagine as to what kind of intense hype the puppets within the global media have planned for the world watching, knowing that the Future King William V will have just turned thirty years of age on the Summer Solstice, five weeks before the Olympic events in London get underway, considering that was the exact same age Christ was upon His public Baptism and being anointed of Spirit by which Christ became possessed by the Holy Spirit, and officially became 'the King of Israel.' Naturally, the Antichrist should have no less of a public spiritual awakening at age thirty, albeit in a counterfeit way. Instead of the ego-liberating Holy Spirit of God by which he should be saved, he is indwelt by Satan's own beguiling, controlling spirit, in direct opposition. Instead of being baptized by Holy waters, the Antichrist is baptized with the blood of innocents, and washed in the deaths of thousands, a fitting start to his own later bloody reign of terror. Perhaps intriguing to some reading this, the Olympic games have been used before by the Illumined powers in control to put forth their secret Occult signs and symbols, because just like anything where there is mass viewership, those in the Occult believe that common people can be slowly indoctrinated, educated, and finally infused with the power behind the Occult. They also believe such a mass global demonstration of people bound together by the games, provide the Masonic elitist powers a captive audience for their subtle brainwashing techniques, toward the goal of establishing a grand, global Luciferian indoctrination, by which the world sees Lucifer as similar to the god, Prometheus, a benign being who gave mankind the "light of (God's) Wisdom" freely, when nothing could be further from the truth. Satan only cares about establishing himself as God, whilst destroying anything of God, ultimately even Creation itself.
With so much going on in London this coming Summer, any one of a number of disasters could befall London and the Royals because of the convergence of all these celebrations in London in that year, any one of which could pave the way for King William V by Summer's end, as Satan's 5 "I Wills" finally become manifested in the flesh. Clearly those in control of the London events in the Summer of 2012 seem to also be preparing for an epic disaster, on the scale of which may make the former terror attacks in London pale in comparison, simply from the sheer numbers of people descending upon London. Of course, if large enough and actually orchestrated by those same who had Diana herself murdered, look for this potential human disaster to certainly include several members of the aging Royal Family itself, namely the Queen, Prince Philip, and Prince Charles. An event such as this would only further cause the world to bring William closer into their collective hearts, feeling this child has lost both his parents, and his grandparents, who have been on, or slated for, the Throne of Anglo-Zion for over a century collectively between them. Clearly, all the Occult signs are already in place for something potentially disastrous to happen. The Olympic logo, which even looks like puzzle pieces to be solved, took over a year to design in 2007, to the cost of £400,000. Carefully 'put together,' the five pieces clearly form a perfect anagram for "ZION," whereby even the "i" is dotted to make it complete. (This is not some mere coincidence, and proves a strong indication of direct Masonic involvement into the global games, as before, in 2008.) I've stated for over a decade in this very website that the British Royal Family and their Masonic ties with British-Israelism play a pivotal role in the same coming events that end in Antichrist, whilst having Masonic-based Secret Societies and their fingerprints all over it. Thus the events about to transpire in London are clearly no exception, and they will use the events toward further establishing Prince William as "Zion's" soon King, with the target of this subliminal operation being directed at Israel, and then the rest of the world. Another aspect about the increasingly heavily-promoted and globally-watched XXX Olympics that would make it directly connected with Israel, again, is the date it begins.
Since King William V will have turned 30 years of age on June 21 2012, which is the same age Christ was at the beginning of His three year ministry, when He was baptized by John and immediately anointed by God as Israel's King, as well as the same age King David was when he was anointed as King of Israel, we may therefore see Prince William's own coronation and anointing as the King of England (false "Zion") at some point within the year 2012. If this occurs, one would then also be wise to pay close attention three years later, in 2015, when the young Merovingian King turns 33, the age Christ was when He was crucified and His earthly work ended, as this might be the fateful year when the earthly work of Antichrist would begin. If true, this would almost certainly mean his time as the Antichrist would begin, heralded by his confirming a (false) Peace Covenant with Israel and its enemy Arab neighbors, which by that time would also have to include Russia and Iran, the two nations defeated in what would be by that time, the former 'Battle of Gog and Magog' where God Himself supernaturally destroyed their invading armies while yet upon the Golan Heights and northern mountains of Israel, thus fulfilling Ezekiel 38-39. If such a treaty occurs, therefore, with King William V confirming it in 2015, it would also start the official countdown of his 7 years as the Antichrist, to culminate and end at the Battle of Armageddon, when Christ returns approximately 2,520 days later. Closer to the present, and as the year 2012 plays itself out, 2012 will certainly prove to be a vital year in regards to the British Royal family, beginning in early June 2012, with the celebration of Queen Elizabeth's 'Diamond Jubilee' (60th year) on the Throne, of which there may come a sign that she might not see her 70th, so look for that. Only one month later, also in London, comes the London 2012 Olympic Games, officially known as the London Games of the XXX Olympiad, held July 27 to August 12 of the ill-fated year. Certainly the eyes of the world shall be on London during that time and on the Royal Family itself, namely Prince William and his new wife. It will no doubt become the one of the greatest security nightmares in recent western history, or so it will be touted as such. Given that there has been several lapses within Royal Security in times past, in and around the Royal residence(s) of Buckingham Palace, etc., any kind of 'terrorist attack' directed at or near the British Aristocracy would too easily provide a perfect cover story and way for the Occult underground to remove The Queen and her children from power in a single day, leaving only William left to assume his fated role as Britain's next Monarch.
*Read Article Terror Bomb Gets Past London Security in Olympic 2012 Test
*Read Article Somalia's Al-Shabab Terrorist Organization Join Al-Qaeda
*Read Article Somalia's Al-Shabab Terror Group Kills 2012 Olympic Head of Somali Athletes
Since King William V will have turned 30 years of age on June 21 2012, which is the same age Christ was at the beginning of His three year ministry, when He was baptized by John and immediately anointed by God as Israel's King, as well as the same age King David was when he was anointed as King of Israel, we may therefore see Prince William's own coronation and anointing as the King of England (false "Zion") at some point within the year 2012. If this occurs, one would then also be wise to pay close attention three years later, in 2015, when the young Merovingian King turns 33, the age Christ was when He was crucified and His earthly work ended, as this might be the fateful year when the earthly work of Antichrist would begin. If true, this would almost certainly mean his time as the Antichrist would begin, heralded by his confirming a (false) Peace Covenant with Israel and its enemy Arab neighbors, which by that time would also have to include Russia and Iran, the two nations defeated in what would be by that time, the former 'Battle of Gog and Magog' where God Himself supernaturally destroyed their invading armies while yet upon the Golan Heights and northern mountains of Israel, thus fulfilling Ezekiel 38-39. If such a treaty occurs, therefore, with King William V confirming it in 2015, it would also start the official countdown of his 7 years as the Antichrist, to culminate and end at the Battle of Armageddon, when Christ returns approximately 2,520 days later. Closer to the present, and as the year 2012 plays itself out, 2012 will certainly prove to be a vital year in regards to the British Royal family, beginning in early June 2012, with the celebration of Queen Elizabeth's 'Diamond Jubilee' (60th year) on the Throne, of which there may come a sign that she might not see her 70th, so look for that. Only one month later, also in London, comes the London 2012 Olympic Games, officially known as the London Games of the XXX Olympiad, held July 27 to August 12 of the ill-fated year. Certainly the eyes of the world shall be on London during that time and on the Royal Family itself, namely Prince William and his new wife. It will no doubt become the one of the greatest security nightmares in recent western history, or so it will be touted as such. Given that there has been several lapses within Royal Security in times past, in and around the Royal residence(s) of Buckingham Palace, etc., any kind of 'terrorist attack' directed at or near the British Aristocracy would too easily provide a perfect cover story and way for the Occult underground to remove The Queen and her children from power in a single day, leaving only William left to assume his fated role as Britain's next Monarch.
*Read Article Terror Bomb Gets Past London Security in Olympic 2012 Test
*Read Article Somalia's Al-Shabab Terrorist Organization Join Al-Qaeda
*Read Article Somalia's Al-Shabab Terror Group Kills 2012 Olympic Head of Somali Athletes
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