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#1 Xelladryth
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
The best deals you can find will probably either be on eBay, or if that doesn't work, then the 12+1 free month is the most I can offer. It's also $50. I don't think that the two-day cards work on already created accounts, btw...
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#2 Xelladryth
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
The 360 has more exclusives than the PS3, anyway, not to mention you'd still be forking over a few hundred dollars with it. Notice that almost every big game for the PS3 has also come out for the 360, except for Heavenly Sword. If you really must trade it in and you have a powerful enough PC to run games for the next few years and are willing to wait a few years for Halo 3 on the PC, then get a Wii. There're more exlusives, and Spore and Brawl are coming out for it as well, not to mention it's cheaper. And yes, I am a 360 fanboy so to speak (I advocate it and out of the three next-gen consoles, own only it), but at least I am level-headed about it.