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Xenexis Blog

A break

I'm planning on taking a break for a bit so I can get to lv 10 to post videos and such. I guess my blog isn't going to be posted on for a bit. I'll tell you when Im back. But probaly not for another month.


I am realy annoyed right now. Every single test/quiz/ inclass assesment I have gotten only 1 problem wrong and EVERY TIME it is an obvios question that I do a carless error on. It is verry annoying. Verry. If I got the hardest question on the assessment wrong I wouldn't be so annoyed but it keeps happening. I divide when I am supposed to multiply. I subtract when I am supposed to add. I find the squareroot when I am supposed to find the number squared. Every quiz it is one thing that I do wrong and this time I got 2 wrong.:|:shock::?

Level up!

Hey I am high enough level on this to start posting pictures so Ill have fun with that. Every one check them out! (you know if I have posted any yet.)

Im back!

Hey I'm back doubt any one ever looks at my blog so I don't have much to say. Other than a hi that 1 or 2 people may see.

Tales series

This is by far my favorite series its just kind of annoying that they don't stay consistent on the console that they have their games on. Other then that their the best team ever. They made The tales of symphonia 1&2 really well so I have confidence in the rest of their games. Any of you say any thing different about tales of vespiria, the abyss, or any of the ones that aren't Symphonia I will trust you. Warn me of games that I shouldn't buy and tell me of some that I should.