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XenonXylophone Blog

Back. With updates!

That's right. I'm back. It's been , what, a year? Who cares? Not me.

Now, down to business:

Yet ANOTHER Spider-Man 3 trailer


But this one is notable for the appearance of Willem DaFoe, not to mention some extra info regarding Eddie Brock:

I know that some people are unhappy about the direction theyv'e taken with Venom, but I think they made the right choice.

Sure, it would've been awesome if it was exactly like the comic, but it's much more effective from a cinematic view if Venom is Spider-Man's equal, as opposed to a pumped-up thug with a long tongue.

Plus, you'll notice how the comic book Venom shared many similarities with the movie version of Spawn. And we all know how bad that turned out...

I am Iron Man...Mk1

While I'm on the subject of comic book movies, the first shot from the adaptation of Iron Man has been released.

Please bear in mind that he does NOT end up looking like a reject from the set of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (incredibly underrated film, if you ask me), this is just the first suit he builds. And I love how it looks. Very steampunk.

And let's just remind ourselves of the cast:

Robert Downey Jr.

Jeff Bridges

Gwyneth Paltrow

Terrence Howard

Not to mention it's being directed by Jon Favreau. It's hard to see how they can fail.

Although it IS launched a couple of weeks before Indiana Jones IV...

Le Duel

And finally: (

It can suffer from lag at times, but this is genius. No idea what they're selling though.

Nick out.

How I love zombies...

This week has been phenomenal. I say this despite knowing full well that nothing happened on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. No, today has made the mediocrity of these days seem obsolete when referring to the week has a whole. One simple reason why: today, I bought Dead Rising.

The majority of people reading this may scoff at my inability to keep up with themselves, but please remember that I live in Britain. The game only came out today.

As you've probably already guessed, I love it. But I'm also very thankful that the game arrived when it did. I'm something of a hopeless fanatic when it comes to zombies (in all shapes and forms, that includes Las Plagas too), and was, up until today, losing my (for lack of a better word) zing, uncaring about many items of zombie related news that would normally have me punching the air triumphantly.

So, once again, Capcom has come to my rescue yet again, as it did before with Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3 and Street Fighter 2. Long may it prosper.

P.S. Please don't ask me what "the truth" is. I don't know yet.

P.P.S Don't tell me either. I have no patience for spoilers.

I met a deadline!

I'm not saying anything about the Man City game.


Well, okay, I am. Jesus, one slip-up and we loose the ****ing match. It's like my PES games against Barcelona all over again, except, this time, I can't do anything about it.

Anyway, I believe that last week I agreed to post a cartoon strip of some kind if it turned out to be a slow week again. Well, it was and I did. Here it is:

My apologies for the truly abysmal lettering, I was in a rush (trying to get some kind of portfolio together for my BTEC interview on Wednesday). I'm pleased with the overall outcome, mainly because you can actually tell apart the characters from the background, which is a problem I've always had with drawing people (my profile pic was a glorious one-off). You don't get that problem with tomatoes.
For that is what they are. I've decided that TODD stands for Tomato Of Desperate Death, don't ask why. Still, let me know if you feel I should continue with this.

This week should be anything but slow. I've got an interview at Tesco tomorrow (for the BAKERY of all places), my BTEC the day after, and on Thursay I'm seeing a preview screening of Little Miss Sunshine (which, if the trailer is anything to go by, might be my new favourite film).

Gamestation still haven't given me a reply. Bastards.

Nick, out.

Black Arrow Syndrome

I knew it would happen, but I didn't care. I've got myself addicted to Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. The only issue I have with it is the apparent lack of great AI. This is fine with enemies, who (unless they're within 10ft of me) happily stay in the same position, waiting for me to line up a perfect headshot (truth be told, I'm not normally a headshot fanatic, but these guys REALLY ask for it)...
No, the real issue is the AI of my team, especially Eddie, who has some sort of fetish for explosive barrels. That said, Dieter has managed to get himself killed at least five times by running in front of my cross-hair. Louis, like many other Frenchmen do for some reason, stays the hell away from me at all times.

It's still Rainbow Six 3 though, and that still makes it a good game (let's just pretend Lockdown didn't happen, shall we?), an improvement even. A straight 9.

So THAT'S what all the hype is about!

Yesterday was a special day to me. I finally got to play Battlefield 2. This may sound deeply unimpressive to hordes of hardcore PC gamers (which, I'll admit, I have the deepest respect for), but after many weeks of nothing but LAN-based CS: Source and the occasional C&C Generals game (average life expectancy for my army: 5 minutes), I was extremely grateful for a new game to play. In case you haven't figured it out yet, this was at the local internet cafe.
I wasn't expecting to be much good, but I did better than I normally do when compared with other FPS games (let's face it, the physics on CS:S leave a lot to be desired). But, bizarrely,  it was with the jets that I really came into my own. My only annoyance came when I ran out of missiles. C'est la vie.

Now, I know most people on GameSpot are already aware of this guy's work, but if you aren't go here now:

I personally didn't find Devil May Cry 3 funny in the slightest...until I saw that video of course. Enjoy!

Here come the ABCs! (And Ds and Es and Us)

A draw? A draw with Aston bloody Villa? What the hell?

Kudos to Villa for great defensive play though. And congrats to Reading for an excellent start to the season.

Yes, football is back with a vengeance. And I couldn't be happier to see its return. Not even my AS results can get me down (rest assured, they were pretty atrocious). Fortunately most of my friends seem to be in the same boat. My next step is to apply for a BTEC in Media. I'll keep you posted.

Those two events aside, there hasn't really been a lot to talk about this week. I'll try and draw this post out a bit anyway. Let's see...

I've heard Kasabian's new album (it's on their MySpace page, go check it out) and, quite frankly, it's amazing. Better than their debut, and album of the year thus far. I doubt they'll be able to keep that honour though. Radiohead are back in October!

Now that Snakes on a Plane is out on release, I no longer have any interest in going to see it. Just goes to show how annoying hype can be. It may have been a phenomenon on the Internet, but at the end of the day, it's just a low-budget B-movie. Good, but not great seems to be most people's opinion.
I did get the chance to see Monster House though, and I am very glad that I did. Despite being a kids film, it really struck a chord with me, probably because it reminded me so much of The Goonies.

And I'm out of ammo. Hopefully this week will be a bit more eventful. If not, I'll draw a comic strip or something. Gotta keep the readers entertained...

Nick, out.

P.S. Three Ds and an E, in case you were wondering.