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I met a deadline!

I'm not saying anything about the Man City game.


Well, okay, I am. Jesus, one slip-up and we loose the ****ing match. It's like my PES games against Barcelona all over again, except, this time, I can't do anything about it.

Anyway, I believe that last week I agreed to post a cartoon strip of some kind if it turned out to be a slow week again. Well, it was and I did. Here it is:

My apologies for the truly abysmal lettering, I was in a rush (trying to get some kind of portfolio together for my BTEC interview on Wednesday). I'm pleased with the overall outcome, mainly because you can actually tell apart the characters from the background, which is a problem I've always had with drawing people (my profile pic was a glorious one-off). You don't get that problem with tomatoes.
For that is what they are. I've decided that TODD stands for Tomato Of Desperate Death, don't ask why. Still, let me know if you feel I should continue with this.

This week should be anything but slow. I've got an interview at Tesco tomorrow (for the BAKERY of all places), my BTEC the day after, and on Thursay I'm seeing a preview screening of Little Miss Sunshine (which, if the trailer is anything to go by, might be my new favourite film).

Gamestation still haven't given me a reply. Bastards.

Nick, out.