Yesterday was a special day to me. I finally got to play Battlefield 2. This may sound deeply unimpressive to hordes of hardcore PC gamers (which, I'll admit, I have the deepest respect for), but after many weeks of nothing but LAN-based CS: Source and the occasional C&C Generals game (average life expectancy for my army: 5 minutes), I was extremely grateful for a new game to play. In case you haven't figured it out yet, this was at the local internet cafe.
I wasn't expecting to be much good, but I did better than I normally do when compared with other FPS games (let's face it, the physics on CS:S leave a lot to be desired). But, bizarrely, it was with the jets that I really came into my own. My only annoyance came when I ran out of missiles. C'est la vie.
Now, I know most people on GameSpot are already aware of this guy's work, but if you aren't go here now:
I personally didn't find Devil May Cry 3 funny in the slightest...until I saw that video of course. Enjoy!