Since my last blog I have added many new games to my collection.. here we go.
Witcher 2 Enhanced (xbox 360) I tried Witcher 2 on my pc and it flopped.. my pc isn't good enough to play it, which made me sad.. I haven't really played enough to give thoughts.. but from what i've heard it's my kind of game.
Warhammer 40k Space Marine: Violence, gore, brutal action.. Excellent. The game has a lot to offer but it isn't perfect.. still an extremely fun game.
Darkness 2: I tried a demo of the first one and got stuck, meant to buy it but didn't, wanted this since I heard about it and i'm not terribly dissapointed.. it's lacking a lot but it's fun enough not to fail.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Excellence in a box, I love this game.. love it.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution- Haven't played much but it is quite fun. I'm a fan of shooter RPGs and this one is ranked as one of the most fun.
Gears of War 3: It's Gears 3.. Not much more to say. The bits i've played are excellent.
Mass Effect 3: I finished this game in probably 30 hours total, I used an imported character and started at level 30m, found that kind of.. annoying to be honest. I enjoyed the game immensely and I am currently building towards my second play through, currently playing an Adept through ME2.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning- It's a large world RPG, a ton of fun and the combat is great. I definately have no problems with this game though I haven't played much..
Final Fantasy 13-2: To be honest, I didn't beat FF13, I got stuck on a boss fight and haven't taken the time to go back and level more to beat it. I am near the end of 13-2 and I am definately enjoying it.
Batman Arkham Asylum: I waited a long time to get this game and now I don't know why, definately an excellent batman game.
Well there it is, for now. Other then that i've recently been playing Skyrim and waiting for Diablo 3. Until next time, you all take it easy!